Ivermectin (also known as Viral Boost)
Please do conduct your own research on this amazing dewormer / detoxifier / prophylactic remedial
There are a number of articles in our Library which cover his topic, such as these two:
10 tablets
Ivermectin IP 12mg
Free from additives, not irradiated
If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or currently taking any medication, please consult with a professional healthcare professional
For colds and ‘flu
Start protocol at the very first sign of a cold or ‘flu for best results
Suggested dosage for parasite elimination:
Adults : Take 2 tablets on day one
Then 1 tablet weekly thereafter for 8 weeks
Children : 1 tablet on day then half a tablet weekly thereafter for 8 weeks
This pill can be easily crushed and added to a drink for children (and adults!)
Do fill in with Cloves Capsules and one of the other anti-parasite products such as Wormwood, MMS or CDS on a daily basis
and toxin binder e.g. Zeolite, to help remove the detritus
If you are pregnant nursing or are currently taking any medicine, please consult with your physician.
Do not exceed the recommended dosage.
Important Information:
Please do conduct your own research and remember it is so important to do at least one Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse after completing a parasite cleanse.
Next super important point
is to repeat a Parasite Cleanse within three weeks of the one completed – to catch the hatching eggs.
To this end another product which is helpful in removing the eggs before they hatch, is
Clove capsules which can be found at this link:
Small sampling of other options available:
MMS – Miracle Mineral Solution
Purifies the blood and eliminates harmful elements.
Be sure to follow the accompanying directions carefully
Pine Oil
Stops viral uptake into the cells
Take 1 teaspoon of Pine Oil mixed with 1 teaspoon of raw unpasteurised, un-irradiated, Honey in a litle warm water
For kitties – some feedback
For kitty lovers – I have struggled to find a product that mine will take for deworming. The ones applied to the back of the neck apparently have some noxious ingredients which facilitate skin/tissue penetration. Every other product I have tried to hide in food they suss out and refuse to eat – absolutely no chance of me getting a pill straight down the throat. An intuitive win which I would love to share – our Ivermectin tablets. I halved and crushed them fine – added to mashed tinned pilchards and all four ate it with no issues – all looking good afterwards!~ Yay – took a while but a win at last!
Video on how Ivermectin Works:
And finally, the lovely Dr Andrew Jones on Ivermectin for dogs and cats – please do watch this video :
Quick boot to colds and ‘flu:
Suggestion: At the first little tweak sign of cold of ‘flu:
Take 2 x Ivermectin in the morning, gargle with salt water mid-day and take another 2 x Ivermectin before bed.
* This professional suggestion really works – we had one of our staff coughing and feeling rotten on Thursday morning – gave her 2 x Ivermectin, she gargled salt water mid-day and took a further 2 x Ivermectin in the evening. …. and voila – back at work on Friday morning bright and breezy, no sign of the gripper!!!!!
* Thanks for the tip on how to take Viral Boost for flu! I was wondering about this. I started feeling it on Monday evening and saw this email Wednesday evening so I took 2 early Thursday morning and 2 in the evening. Definitely felt a turnaround. I realise I took it further along than at the first signs, and although I didn’t bounce back as quickly as if I had taken it earlier, it did help. I’m still in bed on Saturday, resting. (AM)
Charmaine Roodt –
fantastic thank you
Bobs –
One of the the few places this is available in SA! Doctors prescribe but most chemists refuse to fill the scripts, as their chain overlords have instructed them not to! So stock up for future. Thank you Bio-sil! Wonderful to have this safe, multipurpose product available.