The Detox should be preceded by a thorough Parasite Cleanse
Malic Acid needs toi be taken for 7 days before doing the liver flush
It is bedt to plan ahead so that you can do the flush perhaps over a weekend
Please note that the bottle of Wormwood contains only sufficient drops for a single dose!
Please note:
It is vital that you read the detailed instructions which accompany this product before starting.
7 Days of preparation are required.
Single dose quantities
Malic Acid, Epsom salt, Black Walnut hulls
No product is irradiated
Epsom Salts 50 g / Black Walnut Tincture 5ml / Malic Acid 33 g/ Natra-Sleep 4 capsules
You need to add: ½ a cup of olive oil, 1 large or 2 small grapefruit and a mixing container
Dosage: The Liver Detox takes 24 hours – please do be sure to follow the inserted instructions to the letter for positive result.
Best carried out on a weekend or day off
Hot off the press:
Information from Dr Edward Group at the Healing for The Ages Conference April 2024:
Cleansing the liver is VITAL to do – it is the body’s detox organ.
Most people’s livers only function at around 10% of full capacity.
He suggests even doing a liver cleanse every 2 weeks in order to revert and restore.
How often should this protocol be repeated?
Advice from our good doctor manufacturer:
One should repeat the Liver Cleanse after 3 weeks especially if gall stones have been excreted.
The 3-week cycle should be continued until there have been no stones for 2 consecutive flushes.
Once this happens the maintenance protocol can
begin, viz. a cleanse every 3 months
I don’t know why I took so long to do this cleanse. It was really easy and I experienced no side effects. I did follow the instructions carefully – Saturday / Sunday and all is well. I feel great!
I think it was a smooth process as I have undergone a few parasite cleanses already. (JT)
Further Information:
Liver Detox by Dr. Edward Group
ref. Cancer Epidemic eBook (the full eBook is available from :
Step number 1. “So we clean and heal the gut.
Step number 2 is cleaning the liver because, right now, I would say that the majority of the population on the planet, their livers are only working at 15 to 20%.”
The liver, a vital organ in the human body, carries out crucial functions such as digesting food, supporting tissue strength, and serving as a storage site for numerous vitamins and minerals. Additionally, it contributes to the production of erythrocytes and houses Kupffer cells, which play a role in filtering diseases from the bloodstream. 52 The liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying the body, particularly by eliminating toxins from the intestine.
The process of liver detoxification involves a complex chemical reaction that transforms fat-soluble toxins into watersoluble ones, allowing them to be expelled through urine or bile.
Many toxins entering the body possess fatsoluble properties, causing their accumulation in fat tissues or cell walls.
The majority of blood flowing through the liver originates from the portal vein, transporting blood from the intestine. In this process, the liver plays a vital role in removing potential sources of diseases, including bacterial, fungal, viral, or parasitic infections present in the bloodstream. Detoxification of the liver has proven to be highly effective in preventing the underlying causes of cancer.
“Most of the liver cleanses out there that don’t use the olive oil, they clean about maybe 5% of your liver.
When you use the olive oil, like Hulda Clark says, it’s like oil pulling for the liver.
So the oil will go in there, and it’ll pull and hold and make these little droplets of, people call them stones, they’re not necessarily stones, but they’re just oil globulets that you’re going to be pushing everything out.
So other liver cleanses out there, maybe 5% cleansing the liver. But with the oil, we’ve seen a 15% ability to cleanse the liver.
So, if your liver’s only functioning at 30%, and then you do one cleanse, it takes it up to 45. You do another cleanse, take it up to 60, then another cleanse takes it to 75.
We found that your liver needs to be functioning above 80%. It’s like the 80/20 rule—above 80% before you start healing before your self-healing mechanism starts kicking in. And to prove that point, we actually had one case where a guy did:
He was sent home to die with 4-stage cancer all over his body. All he did was start ordering our liver cleanses. He did 1 after another, after another. He was still alive after 2 weeks. He did 26 back-to-back liver cleanses, almost half a year. Went back in, and all of his cancer was gone.
That’s how powerful the liver is. And that’s why everybody needs to be focused on cleansing and healing the liver.”
Liver Flush Recipes
This recipe is the most popular because it is one of the best of all liver flush recipes (for majority of people) – tens of thousands have done this flush with no problems, most likely this recipe evolved from the recipe used by Hanna Kroeger in her book: “God Helps Those Who Help Themselves“!
Bowel cleanse & Liver/gallbladder cleanse (together with parasites cleanse) is really the most simple way to start curing acne, high cholesterol, eczema, psoriasis, asthma, allergies, gallstones, food intolerance, shoulder pain, abdominal pain, upper back pain, arm pain, gallstones attack, liver pain, gallbladder pain, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, heartburn, bloating, inflammatory bowel disease IBD, IBS, colitis, constipation, cancer, AIDS, MS, FMS, MSC, CFIDS/CFS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, seizures, osteoporosis, angina pectoris.. !
Guidelines for this product (important to follow exactly, best over a weekend)
A number of people have requested copies of the guidelines which are included with this product – so here they are just in case:
A clean healthy liver is the cure for many ailments humanity is suffering from. If you have been tested for parasites first take the parasite eliminating tea, this must be drunk for 21 days then:-
Ingredients for liver cleanse – gallbladder cleanse:
1/2 Cup (= 1.25 dl) Olive Oil Extra Virgin
1 Big Pink grapefruit (hot wash first to get more juice out) 2/3 cup of its juice = 2 small ones (Or use 3 lemons)
4 tablespoons of EPSOM salts = MgSO4 = Magnesium Sulfate
3 cups water
(P.S .!! 1 cup = 250 ml
Black walnut tincture to kill parasites coming from the liver
Choose a day like Saturday for the cleanse; since you will be able to rest the next day. Take no medicines, vitamins or pills that you can do without, they could prevent success.
Stop the parasite tea the day before.
Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch such as cooked cereal, fruit, fruit juice whole wheat break with preserves or honey, no butter or milk. This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones.
2pm :– Do not eat or drink after 2pm o clock. If you break this rule you could feel quite ill later.
Get your Epsom salts ready. Mix 4 tablespoons in 3 cups of water and pour this into a jar. This makes four servings, ¾ cup each. Set the jar in the refrigerator to get ice cold. (This is for convenience and taste only).
(You can substitute the 3 cups of water to dissolve Epsom salt with 3 cups freshly pressed grapefruit or orange or apple juice. That is to eliminate unpleasant taste of Magnesium Sulphate.
6PM :- Drink one serving ¾ of the ice cold Epsom salts. You may drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or rinse your mouth to eliminate taste. Get the olive oil (ozonated If possible) and grapefruit out to warm up.
8PM Repeat by drinking another ¾ cup of Epsom salts – get all of your bedtime chores done.
9.45PM pour ½ cup Olive Oil into the pint jar. Squeeze the Grapefruit juice – remove pulp, you should have at least ½ cup best to have ¾ cup. You can use one part lemonade, add to the olive oil and add black walnut tincture. Close the jar tightly with the lid and shake hard until watery. Only fresh grape fruit juice does this.
Now visit the bathroom one or more times, even if it makes you late for your ten o clock drink. Don’t be more that 15 mins late as you will get fewer stones.
10.00 PM:- Drink the potion you have mixed. Take a natural sleeping pill to make sure you get a good night’s sleep. You may use honey between sips to get it down. Drink standing up. Get down within 5 minutes (15 if elderly).
NEXT MORNING:- Upon awakening take your third dose of Epsom salts. If you have any indigestion or nausea wait until it is gone before drinking the Epsom salts. Don’t take before 6.00am
2 HOURS LATER:- Take your fourth (last) does of Epsom Salts. You may go back to bed again.
Expect diarrhea in the morning. Use a flashlight to look for gallstones, look for the green kind since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones not food residue. The bowel movement sinks but gallstones float because of the cholesterol inside.
This recipe was invented hundreds of years ago.
Gallstones are formed in the liver not the gallbladder!!! Recommended every spring.
Wishing you abundant and radiant health as always
Lindie –
This is seriously one of the best products and protocol I followed. The gallstones that came out shocked me. To all those that think it will hurt, no you don’t feel a thing. This is so worth it. Thanks BioSil!
Lauren –
I haven’t used this specific pack but I have done the same liver flush 3 times now… it is so deeply satisfying to see so many stones come out. Have definitely noticed an improvement in the whites of my eyes, my digestion, my hormones/ period and more… If you are considering it, I would highly recommend.