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Colloidal Silver Feedback

Success with various conditions using
Colloidal Silver and
Colloidal Silver Gel from Bio-Sil

Please note that all BIO-SIL pure Colloidal Silver products (e.g. different sized containers),
contain the exact same pure colloidal silver at 18 parts per million
These products are not irradiated

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver Gel

Here we have some lovely feedback from happy Bio-Sil folks (ho details have been provided to us).
It’s just a start and will be added unto.

Please do send in any feedback you wish to share, to
These items are helpful to people with similar conditions who are looking for help.  You can make a difference!!!
Thank you.

Bio-Sil Colloidal Silver & Gel

Covie dovie help
Hello Everyone !!! I survived Covid 😭 Thanks to my bodyguard,colloidal silver.
I took 5mls every one hour ,and took loads of warm water.
When the virus had left my body I was left very tired and my body was painful but weird that my body was never weak…..I took this could be the effect the body intense fight against the virus…I fully recovered in five days.
I realised and was amazed that colloidal silver eliminated the cough on the first day …the second day a big headache was there but also vanished with sunset,my throat symptoms never moved too far because immediately after I got the throat I took colloidal silver.
On the first day ,the problem was my heart ,as if something heavy is pressing my chest …though I could breathe but the pain felt like a hospital case,but hey that’s the moment where I began to set my alarm to never miss my hourly remedy 😅…  ”  Details provided 27.6.21

Deep oozing ulcer on ankle – excruciating painful.  Spent a fortune on medical bills, ending in a suggestion to amputate the lower leg.
Started using Bio-Sil together with certain magnetic equipment.  Little improvement for some months.  Then I started dressing the ulcerated leg as follows:
cleaning wound with Bio-Sil Colloidal Silver and smothering the infected area with Bio-Sil Gel – wrapping up in a vaseline gauze and crepe bandage. This procedure was repeated morning and night.   By the end of a few days there already showed an improvement.  Soon, the leg ceased to ache.
Two weeks down the line the wound had reduced by a third in size and the rapid healing process has continued.  Now, a month later there remains a small area of scab.  I think initially the application was far too sparing, otherwise the healing process could have been speeded up quite dramatically.   Patient now has a new lease on life. EW

Bio-Sil’s Colloidal Silver  has been my go to for years, thnx Yvonne. This summer my dogs had swollen sore eyes and face. Sprayed Colloidal silver on and when I checked again it was gone. My dog has a pink skin on his one eye that gets crusty. Did the same using a cotton pad to clean and a few drops in the eyes    VN

Guillaine Barre Syndrome left my wife severely incapacitated.  She could only move very slowly and suffered severe circulatory problems with sores round her ankles and unsightly subcutaneous bleeding whenever she even brushed past something.   After using the Bio-Sil Gel and Colloidal Silver, the sores have dried up for the first time in two years, her skin has regained texture and the backs of her hands are no longer blackened. (JC)

I have suffered 5 major heart attacks with the last one being heart failure which left only half of my heart functioning and too weak to operate.  At the age of 54, I look old and am permanently exhausted due to the strong medication I have to take.  Thanks to colloidal silver, I am no longer so lethargic, have a reason to get up in the morning and am chasing my wife around the flat.  I feel I can now start enjoying my grandchildren.  I recomment all heart patients give it a try.   I have so much faith in colloidal silver.  CS

Heart attacks  – I have suffered 5 major heart attacks with the last one being heart failure which left only half of my heart functioning and too weak to operate.  At the age of 54, I look old and am permanently exhausted due to the strong medication I have to take.  Thanks to colloidal silver, I am no longer so lethargic, have a reason to get up in the morning and ma chasing my wife around the flat.  I feel I can now start enjoying my grandchildren.  I recommend all heart patients to give it a try.
I have so much faith in colloidal silver.    CS

Arthritis.  I have arthritis in my back and hands along with a broken coccyx which forces me to crawl on all 4’s to the bathroom in the morning. Terrible headaches are part & parcel of the coccyx syndrome, which doctors have suggetsed no less than 5 ops to rectify the problem.  I also suffer from sinus day in and day out.  Since drinking colloidal silver I have drastically reduced my intake of pain killers, feel like a new person and have an abundance of energy, and am, far more pleasant to be around.   

Vaginal burning and itching.   I have found that the colloidal silver really helped as far as this burning and itching was concerned.   Just dabbed with cottonwool.     KP

Chafing on skin.  I would like to tell you how Bio-Sil has helped me.   We went to Namibia and travelled a lot.  I got chafed. Came hom and tried everything then I used Bio-Sil Gel.  I’m healed at long last after only using it for 3 days.  To think I walked for 2 months in agony.  Thank you

Mouth – I also used Bio-Sil liquid for my mouth. I had ulcers in my mouth since a year ago. Nothing helped, not Betadine or TCP nor Oynexan. I suffered. My chemist said try this and I was desperate as my mouth felt like a piece of sand paper. That was Tuesday today is Thursday. My mouth is healed. 
So I’ve proved to you that you have a wonderful product.  Keep up the good work.   FGT

Tonsillitis.  Bio-Sil has changed my life for the best. I have been having tonsillitis for years.  Now that I have discovered Bio-Sil I can eat meat which I never use to eat before. My sister’s daughter uses the soap to wash her entire body. Guess what – she is no longer suffering from fungal infection.  Bio-Sil has worked wonders for my family.   TTM

Colloidal Silver Gel

* I have been using the CS Gel for years now on open wounds, stings, bites, etc on my pets with great sucsess, it does not seem painful for them and it heals so quickly with it. It is not only amazing for us but for our pets as well. I am never without a bottle of the liquid or gel. Tanya

* I have used this gel on burn patients and they have never complained about pain. Dr B

* My small children had welts from mozzie bites – I applied Bio-Sil Colloidal Silver Gel and the itch went immediately.   Just re-applied it as necessary a couple of hours later – it also helped the bites to heal quickly.   🙂 Cheryl

* This even works for mozzie bites – great relief from the irritating itching!      ES

* My husband and I have been using Bio-Sil Gel for many, many years, both for the face  and for the insect bites, sun burns and any skin irritation. It is a phenomenal product and highly recommendable.  My husband uses Bio-Sil Gel every evening on his face and at the age of 82 has no visible wrinkles on his face JL

Eczema.  I have suffered for about ten years with eczema caused mainly by sunlight exposure.   I spent thousands of Rands on doctors and medicines.  Skin specialists couldn’t help me and prescribed cortisone every time, until I found this product at a homeopathic pharmacy.  I took a few bottles of liquid and now only apply the Colloidal Silver Gel to keep the condition under control.
I have to congratulate you on this excellent product. Without it I would not have been able to get the eczema under control, which has nearly totally cleared up.   I am a golf player and as such am exposed to the sun.  As a pensioner who can smile again, I want to say thank you very much for this product.  Thankful pensioner   
Mr vdH

Psoriasis.  I just wanted to thank you for your product, Bio-Sil healing Gel. I had psoriasis as a child over 80% of my body. After trying everything, it eventually cleared by using homeopathic medication.  It went into remission for 20 years, I thought it was gone.  2 Years ago it started again. I tried everything, have been to doctors, de3rmatologists and homeopaths who have tried various remedies, dorizones, tablets and absolutely nothing has made a difference, until trying your product. There is such a difference.   Thanks again.  EM

Eczema and dry skin.  My daughter is using the Gel on her dry skin and eczema and it’s working wonders.  Says it’s an absolute godsend.  She swims a lot and the chemicals in the water have a constant effect on her skin. We battle every swimming season, but this year it’s almost not a problem anymore. Thanks so much   BM

Colloidal Silver Gel
* I have been using the CS Gel for years now on open wounds, stings, bites, etc on my pets with great sucsess, it does not seem painful for them and it heals so quickly with it. It is not only amazing for us but for our pets as well. I am never without a bottle of the liquid or gel. Tanya

* I have used this gel  on burns patients and they have never complained about pain. Dr B

* I have been using the CS Gel for years now on open wounds, stings, bites, etc on my pets with great sucsess, it does not seem painful for them and it heals so quickly with it. It is not only amazing for us but for our pets as well. I am never without a bottle of the liquid or gel. Tanya

* I have used this gel  on burns patients and they have never complained about pain. Dr B

* Instant relief from mozzie and oither bites and stings!   YC

* This even works for mozzie bites – great relief from the irritating itching!      ES

Wound healing
Have just purchased your product Colloidal Silver Healing Gel.Am treating an open wound caused by raw sewage in mud.I  used antibiotic cream for seven days, then went to Pharmacy to look for other options, when I came across your product.’Have used it for four day’s and there is a noticeable difference in the healing and closing up of the woundBut this is to expected from a great product. I have always given away Colloidal water to people in desperate need, it definitely works and those who have used it tell me what a difference it made in their lives. So, great product.  BE



The secret life of pets | Mint
Dog dry eye. 
Sashay is quite an old well, well for a Rotti she is ancient – 13 years old. She suffers from dry eye.  We have taken her to the vet on many, many occasions and have spent thousands of Rands trying to fix her eyes but to no avail. The problem was never sorted out. Hundreds of ointments and messy creams for  a total of 4 months. My mother who swears by Bio-Sil decided to use colloidal silver and drop it into her eyes twice a day.  In three days a long term problem was cleared up and has never returned. Now we call it a miracle in a bottle.  

Billary.  A farm dog where I visited had what appeared to be billary from ticks – he couldn’t even stand up.  I filled his bowl with a little milk and a lot of Bio-Sil colloidal silver and repeated this a few times. Within 24 hours he was up and wagging again.  We applied it by spray to our dog’s cuts and wounds when he fell on razor wire. The healing was fast, clean and infection-free.  Bio-Sil sorted out my cat’s snuffles too.

Parrot with infection.  Just wanted to tell you how Bio-Sil helped us. We have an Indian Ringneck parrot that got a beak and feather virus.  She looked like a baby as she had no feathers and the vet gold us there was nothing they could do for her. We started giving her colloidal silver in her water and after using it for 3 months she started getting feathers. It’s now 2 years down the line and Queenie

feathers like other birds but at least she has lo of feathers on her head and wings. We add a medicine sp0oonful of Bio-Sil in her drinking water. Thank you for a great product.

Dog cough. Last year a little dog popped up outside my gate.  I could not locate her owner.  From the first day I noticed this wretched cough and she started having fits.  Fainting, wetting herself – it was quite scary the first time it happened because her little body went stiff as a board;  she was coughing uncontrollably.  I started her on colloidal silver. What a difference. She acts like a puppy and has not had a fit in a long while.


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