Reduce Stress Levels easily

Burn Letter



New Japanese Study Finds Writing Down Anger and Then Shredding It Significantly Reduces Stress Levels

New Japanese Study Finds Writing Down Anger and Then Shredding It Significantly Reduces Stress Levels

A new study from Japan shows anger can be managed by writing down what we are angry about on a piece of paper and then shredding or disposing of it. The results of this study are the result of years of previous research on the association between the written word and anger reduction. participants were asked to rate their level of anger after receiving insults, write down their reactions on a piece of paper, and then either dispose of the paper or keep it.

The individuals who threw away their paper in the trash or shredded it returned to their normal mental states. Meanwhile, the participants who kept their paper copies experienced only a small decrease in their overall anger. Completely discarding or letting go of the paper reflected how they felt proved to be the most successful in managing anger. This simple technique can be used by anyone who finds themselves in stressful situations.

Just write it down and let it go!


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