MMS kits are available in two sizes: 30ml and 100ml
This product is not irradiated
* 30ml kit (1 x MMS (Sodium Chlorite) and 1 x HCl (Hydrochloric Acid) and
* 100ml kit (1 x MMS (Sodium Chlorite) and 1 x HCl (Hydrochloric Acid)
We have upgraded our bottles from plastic to glass.
Hope you can get used to the separate droppers – it was the best solution we could come up with for now!
Each kit contains
equal sized bottles of
MMS (Sodium Chlorite) and accompanying
HCl (Hydrochloric Acid, very weak dilution)
as can be seen in the product image
How to activate the two products:
It is always equal drops from each bottle – drop for drop
Please note: not a “squirt:” or a “shake” but a carefully measured DROP For example:
1 drop MMS PLUS 1 drop HCl
2 drops MMS PLUS 2 drops HCl and so on …. in an empty cup or glass.
3 Drops is usually as high as one needs to go for internal dosage
It is recommended to rather take doses more frequently, than to take large doses once or twice a day
This of course also depends on which of many protocols you wish to follow
Let the drops mix together for about 30 seconds, just count to 30
The mix will turn dark yellow / amber
Now add as much water as you wish (recommendation is 200-250 ml distilled or are water)
Swirl the cup or glass gently and then drink
It is best to take the MMS as soon as it has been mixed
Quick share from a happy customer :
Hi there. Sorry for disturbing at the hour. Just wanted to say that this MMS stuff you guys sell is AMAZING. I can feel my long covid finally getting cured after 2 years. It’s working! THANK YOU and keep up the fantastic work! Thank you and to you!!! My only regret is that I didn’t start sooner! Loads of love
Video demonstration on mixing the drops:
Please note that the water taken with MMS should be either distilled or water that tests out at 0-5 ppm TDS.
If you have neither of these then you can use other water but understand that some of the MMS will sacrifice itself to clean the water and you’ll not get the full benefit of the dose.
Please see our Special Starter Kit to help you get going with a superb product:
Throughout the day be sure to drink plenty of clean pure water in order to keep up with the toxins being neutralized. If the body doesn’t have enough water to flush them out then you get herxheimer reactions.(We Do Not recommend using Berkey or Kangen water filtration systems for use with MMS)
Our special offer starter to you can be found at this link :
Storage of MMS product:
Please store this product in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight
Benefits: Goes to work fast on all bacterial, viral and fungal infections
There is a multitude of benefits for humans and their pets
Please note:
“Important Things to Know Before You Begin
Never ever use anything metal when mixing or storing
MMS should never touch metal
Use glass, ceramic or plastic containers to mix and store
Storage containers / bottles for MMS should have plastic lids, not metal, as the sodium chlorite will eventually corrode the metal which then tends to erode into the lid and particles may drop down in to the MMS. This could give you metal in your MMS and you don’t want that as metals can be toxic
So use plastic lids
Please be careful about this point: no metal with MMS sodium chlorite solution, either for mixing or for storing
One should only be drinking (purified) water – never tap water or bottled water which may contain toxins such as fluoride.
MMS can be used to purify tap water – how wonderful is that?!!!!!
So please use MMS to clean your water first if you don’t have access to pure water
1. Feeling better?
Don’t change anything. Continue with what you’re doing
2. Feeling worse?
Reduce dosage or stop for a few days
3. Not getting better / not getting worse?
If there are no signs of improvement, do the next increase or explore another protocol
Recommended Starting Protocol
This Starting Procedure should be done before doing the following protocols of 1000, 2000, or 3000. It has been found that this procedure is very necessary and often results in nothing working when this procedure is skipped.
*Note: Items that Neutralize Chlorine Dioxide are:
Vitamin C, any Antioxidant, Coffee, Tea, Milk, Alcohol
DAY 1 of the Starting Procedure
Take ¼ (one quarter) drop of activated MMS1 every hour for 8 hours
Follow these instructions:
Step 1
Use an empty, clean, dry, drinking glass. Tilt the glass slightly sideways and drop one drop of MMS1 so the drop goes to the corner of the down part of the glass.
Drop one drop of the HCl activator on top of the MMS drop.
Shake the glass a little to mix the drops.
Step 2
Wait 20 to 30 seconds and then use a cup to measure 1/2 cup of water to put in the glass…
This is 4 ounces (approx 120ml). Make sure the drops are mixed into the water.
Step 3
Pour off one ounce of water (approx 30ml) and take it.
That is 1/4 of the liquid now in the glass – you can take it as it is or you can add some additional water to the ounce before you drink it.
Step 4
Pour the remaining 3 ounces (90 ml) down the drain. You won’t be using them.
Each MMS drink must be made up within 30 seconds before taking it and one should be sure to never wait more than 60 seconds before taking.
Days 2 and 3 of the Starting Procedure
Take 1/2 drop of MMS1 every hour for 8 hours a day
Step 5.
Follow the same 1 and 2 steps as above each hour.
This time pour off 2 ounces (60ml and take them. That is the same as 1/2 of the liquid you now have in the glass. This, of course, gives you 1/2 drop.
Day 4 of the Starting Procedure
Take 3/4 drop of MMS1 every hour for 8 hours
Step 6.
Follow the same 1 and 2 steps as above.
In this case it would be easiest to pour off 1 ounce (30ml) of liquid and drink the rest which is 3 ounces (90ml) of liquid.
In other words you are drinking 3/4 of the 1/2 cup of water that you make in steps 1 and 2.
At the end of day 4 you have completed the Starting Procedure to Protocol 1000.
You should begin Protocol 1000 the next day starting at the 1 drop point.
Follow the instructions.
From this point those people with cancer should progress forward to Protocol 2000.
Note: We have noticed that people activating the MMS hourly seem to have more success in restoring their health
MMS is wonderful for pets – just scale down the dosage
(as shown in mixing directions)
Add to all pets’ drinking water – mix in with wet food
“My kitty recovered beautifully with the MMS and HCI combo, and I gave him some DE once a day too when I had to discontinue giving him the vet meds to fix his intestines, because he got asthma from it Within 48 hours he was better than he had been in months! (I gave him very low doses of DE and MMS because of the kidney problem.) ” LJ
Alternate mixers to water when making up a dose of MMS:
Though water is the ideal, if you cannot take MMS with water only because the taste bothers you, some (not all) natural juices are okay to use (if they do not contain harmful preservatives and/or added Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, as these tend to cancel out the effectiveness of MMS)
Freshly squeezed juice is best. It has been found that apple, grape and cranberry juices work well with MMS but again, to stress …. any juice should be natural, without preservaives, without added Vitamin C or ascorbic acid
It is best to never use orange or tangerine juice in any form with MMS. However you may drink these juices at least two hours before or after your MMS prococol for the day.
Many teas are not compatible with MMS. However, there are some herbal teas that are okay to use – this can vary depending upon which tea you are using, i.e. definitely not an herb tea or tea bag that may be laced with a contaminant of some kind
Fizzy or sparkling mineral water is a good choice
The fizz helps overcome the taste
Most people find the taste absolutely minimal and not at all bothersome
Smell can have a huge effect on taste. If you find you don’t like the taste of MMS, try changing how you drink your dose
Some folks actually hold their nose while drinking and to this end, a small-neck bottle or glass, as opposed to a wide one, can work wonders as it cuts the smell
A sippy bottle with a lid and straw has become a popular choice as it cuts the smell and taste, so is ideal for children who then don’t notice anything unusual!
Water Purification with MMS for you and your pets:
8 drops MMS : 4 litres of water
To purify 4 litres of tap water (remove germs and toxins):
Activate 8 drops of MMS (exactly per the above example) with 8 drops of HCl
Count 30 seconds to enable the drops to activate
Add a little water and swirl it around in the cup, mixing the contents together
Add to the 4 litres of water
Mix thoroughly, cover and wait for at least one hour before use
Bath Protocol:
Activate 20 drops – after it has turned dark yellow or brown, add it to the tub which has 6-8 of water
Begin with 20 drops, next time try 40 and then 60 drops
Use this treatment 1-3 times a day
Scale down and go gently with children
For smaller quantities of water, use less drops
For 1 litre, use 2 drops of MMS with 2 drops of HCl and follow the above instructions.
Turpid (cloudy) water requires more MMS. If you have a slight bit of turbidity, use 12 drops of activated MMS/HCL per gallon (4 litres).
A higher amount of turbidity requires higher amounts of MMS solution
Use 12 to 24 drops of MMS or even more drops, for river water. This is something you will have to evaluate and do your best to get it right. In this case, it is always best to err on the side of too many drops than not enough. A slightly bad taste resulting from the MMS (if you have to go higher) will not hurt you!
What’s in your tap water?
Aluminum: Poses a big health threat for dialysis patients
Arsenic: Harms the cardiovascular and nervous systems, can cause skin problems, acts as an indocrine disruptor and can lead to lung, kidney, bladder and skin cancer.
Barium: Muscle weakness, breathing difficulties, heart rhythm changes, brain swelling and damage to the brain, spleen and kidneys.
Cadmium: Kidney, bone, blood and liver damage, as well as nausea, vomiting, renal failure, muscle cramps and diarrhea.
Chloramine: It can lead to hemolytic anemia.
Chromium: Stomach and intestinal bleedings, diarrhea, kidney and liver damage.
Copper: Anemia, diarrhea, abdominal pain, muscle pain, kidney failure and liver poisoning.
Fluoride:Discoloration of teeth in children under the age of 9.
Lead: Damage to the nervous system, red blood cells, the kidneys, the brain and bone marrow. Causes decreased growth in children, as well as reduced intelligence.
Mercury: Damage to the brain, kidneys and devopling fetuses.
Nitrates/nitrites: Cause blue baby syndrome.
Perchlorate: Developmental and learning disabilities in children.
Radium: Higher chances of developing cancer.
Selenium: Fatigue and damage to the peripheral nervous system.
Uranium: Increases risk of cancer development.
************* ************ ************* ************
From Product Creator, Jim Humble:
Corona virus
Below are provisional steps one can take, a variation of my standard protocols and Health Recovery Plan, but something to try immediately in the case of ‘coronavirus’ until you can get the
**MMS Health Recovery Guidebook**
Here’s my suggestion below:
MMS must be activated ‘drop for drop’ with the activator, HCl
Mix the drops in a clean dry glass or cup, count 30 seconds so the drops can activate—they should turn an amber (darkish yellow) colour.
After the 30-second count add 120-250ml of water, then immediately drink it down.
(Do not leave this to sit for more than a few seconds, it must be taken immediately or it will begin to lose potency.)
To get to work on a specific condition, take six (6) activated drops of MMS in 1/2 cup of water.
Wait one hour, and then take six (6) more activated drops in 1/2 cup of water.
That may do it. You will know within two hours if it eliminated the condition by how you feel
What to do next depends upon how those first two doses made you feel.
Please follow these next directions carefully:
Step 1.
If you feel better after taking the two x 6-drop doses of MMS,
reduce your intake to 3 activated drops in 1/2 cup of water every hour for eight hours a day, until completely well.
You may want to continue this for up to 21 days to be sure you are free of disease and for an overall detoxification of the body.
Always take the MMS within seconds of mixing up the dose.
If at any time you feel worse when taking MMS, proceed with Step 2;
Step 2.
Any time after taking MMS activated drops you feel worse, cut your intake by one half but do not stop hourly doses.
If you still feel worse cut your intake by one half again, but continue with hourly doses.
Feeling worse after taking the MMS drops, such as showing signs of nausea, diarrhoea or headache is actually a sign that you are ridding your body of toxins. It is called a Herxheimer Reaction. It indicates that you are destroying the disease or condition, but you are just going too fast — the point is to go slow enough so as not to make yourself unnecessarily uncomfortable. Be sure to consume plenty of clean water, e.g. 8 glasses through the day
These suggestions are only to get you started should you come down with a serious condition
You need the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook for complete instructions
(pdf version available by request to :
PLEASE NOTE: Jim Humble ceased the use of citric acid as activator for MMS and switched to the much nicer HCl (Hydrochloric Acid) in the same strength it is found in the gut where it helps digest food.
MMS during pregnancy:
“Thousands of pregnant women have used MMS1 * to restore their health when needed. Dosing for a pregnant woman is exactly the same as when not pregnant.
Follow the protocols and determine what dosage is best for you.
MMS1 *, when taken according to the protocols in this book does not harm the body and can therefore be considered safe for all people, including pregnant women, children and babies. (Follow the proper dosages for children and babies as listed in this book – see Chapter 13).
Everyone is responsible for making their own health decisions.
Check with an educated health professional, if desired”
Ref: MMS Health Recovery Guidebook page 50
*MMS1 is the product which Bio-Sil stocks for you
We wish you abundant health!
In response to :
Thnks so much for this information , the amazing Mr humble has taken me from crying in agony ,jaw swollen with an obsess throbbing with pain.before bed gargled the MMS woke up and now pain-free ,face back to normal, amazing no longer need to go to the dentist in emergency now. love you Jim ❤ VH
I used MMS together with the Apricot Kernel capsules on my dog who had a huge tumor on the side of his head. The Vet gave him 2 weeks at the most to live and said it was a very aggressive cancer, the tumour appeared within a week and she confirmed the cancer with a biopsy. After 2 weeks on the cancer regimen we saw an improvement, by 3 weeks later the tumour was gone. That was 2 years ago, my dog is still alive today. ML
“My next door neighbor was hospitalized because a truck ran into his work house and a wall fell on him. He had a savage wound to his lower leg above the ankle that got infected. Doctors gave up trying to heal it and told him they believe the leg should be amputated below the knee. My son took him a strong batch, 10 drops per ounce, of CDS in a 3 ounce spray bottle from Walgreens and instructed him not to let the doctors know. It healed, the doctors were shocked, and when he showed him what he was using, they didn’t want to know. I have incredible before and after pictures. Does anyone know how I can get these to an admin to maybe post them?”(from The Universal Antidote site)
What a remarkable product! Daughter aged 3 came down with tick bite fever and coincidently came down with chicken pox at the same time. Fever of 38 degrees turned around and temp. normalised back to 36.5 within the hour of taking 5 drops solution MMS in 120 ml of water. (PW)
Not being one to see a doctor too quickly – MMS is my first go to for any issues ranging from stomach bugs, flu, tooth aches, gum problems and so many more… I have also passed on to a friend who is now rid of years of suffering with stomach ulcers – turn around in 2 weeks – she has never had any issues again. (Jane)
Ever so grateful to be “in the know” about this product, always in my “medicine cupboard” I make sure the family is never with out. (BH)
We saw magnificent results with MMS. Within 3 weeks my husband’s PSA dropped (MQ)
Note regarding pets (and humans):
There is a protocol going around suggesting the use of sodium chlorite alone for dogs and cats. Please be aware that dogs and cats can have adverse reactions from using just the sodium chlorite in water protocol. Using SC alone for animals reduces the pH of the stomach during digestion, which is not optimal either, and could hinder digestion. Not only can it hinder digestion, but it can throw off the balance of the whole body, and result in unwanted side effects such as tumors.
To treat your cats or dogs on a daily preventative basis, this should be the protocol followed:
For dogs for maintenance:
For every 4 kg of weight, 1ml CDS or 1 activated drop in 30 ml of water, divided into 3 doses per day.
For cats for maintenance:
For every 2 kg in weight, 1 ml CDS or 1 activated drop in 30ml water, divided into 3 doses per day.
Yvonne –
MMS is great stuff. You can make a spray with it, too. One of my kids had a wart on the bottom of his foot and the podiatrist finally gave up on it after months of trying everything. I made a spray bottle of it at a certain ratio, had to remix it every few days. But after two weeks it was completely gone and never returned. Julie
Hennie –
MMS for tattoo removal …. It bubbles the ink right out. Then a scab comes. After it falls off its noticeably lighter.
Yamuna Jivana Dasa –
It’s great for colds and flues. I never visit doctors these days, and haven’t for the past few years since using MMS.
Austen C –
Diabetic amputation averted
Seriously bad diabetic ulcer treated with mms 27 drops a day. Only water and rooibos tea, no sugar in diet. No vit c or any vit complex
I am sending you very powerful photos of diabetic case foot was booked for amputation. Wound was there for 5 months progressing negatively. Treated for 3 weeks and nearly healed as you can see.
Yvonne –
Sent in by a customer: I write because using your MMS I mix 40 drops in a dark 500ml spray bottle – the spray bottle prevents the gas escaping and is very effective sanitizer sprayed on hands and on masks! – also clo2 is sanctioned by the FDA for use in mouthwashes and toothpaste
a lawyer friend started coming down with a cold or flu or whatever using the spray bottle he sprayed the back of his throat inhaling with two bursts once an hour = two days later he had recovered – he also sprayed the area around his sleeping quarters at regular intervals.
Name and details provided
Doina Bruno –
I know about MMS since Kerry Cassidy had interviewed Jim Hamble on her show. Is an amazing product . Just take it one drop at the time. Each day. Even kills bacteria in your lungs and heart…Just keep doing until you can take 6-7 drops a day. Than you keep taking it everyday for protection.
Steve –
To detox my body
whodutoit62 –
I have started with the MMS and know it will work! However, I want to thank the personnel at Bio Sill for the timely delivery of my neatly packaged and protected MMS! Thanks a lot, and may Abba bless you!
Gids –
Two weeks ago, I was in a painfull situation with serious tooth infection unable to chew food. First I considering anti-biotics and removing the problem tooth when I remembered that I had some MMS and will put it to the test. I read about and saw the malaria video in Uganda and thought that if it could do that – I should try it. I took the MMS according to protocol.
Pain was relieved within 4 days and swollen glands back to normal within 7 days.
Grateful for Yvonne and her team making these healthy assistants available… thank youuuuu!!!
Marion Lombard –
I used MMS together with the Apricot kernel capsules on my dog who had a huge tumor on the side of his head. The Vet gave him 2 weeks at the most to live and said it was a very aggressive cancer, the tumour appeared within a week and she confirmed the cancer with a biopsy. After 2 weeks on the cancer regimen we saw an improvement, by 3 weeks later the tumour was gone. That was 2 years ago, my dog is still alive today.
Daniel Smith –
Wow! That is just amazing! Thank you so much for letting us know. Many more happy years for you and your paw…
Gail –
MMS brought my husband’s high PSA level down to normal levels. He used to get up about 4 times a night to pee and now sleeps throughout.
Also Helped my daughter who had parasite’s and also relieved the flu symptoms I had. Thank you