Immune System
Parasites – what do they have to do with sniffles, colds and ‘flu? Dr Lee Merritt, the Medical Rebel
Pleae take the time to watch this important update on causes of ill health at this crucial time in our evolution. Bit hard to stomach but important to understand e.g. why we have sniffles, colds and ‘flu! Just click on the link below for this video: Parasites–a New Paradigm: … So this is why they
Iodine, Your Best Defense
If Dr. Group was on a deserted island and could only bring ONE THING with him… it would be iodine. Iodine has intense properties that keeps immune systems STRONG and RESILIENT. Plus, so many people are deficient in iodine and it absolutely drains their thyroid. Listen on to hear why iodine could be your best