First Aid Kit for Home and Holidays
We have put together for you two kits which will cover most first aid issues.
These are actually most important to have on hand.
Comprehensive Kit (9 products)
* Castor Oil and small Castor Oil wrap
* CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) – must be kept in fridge (for everything!)
* Charcoal Powder (diarrhoea, vomiting, bites, stings – mix with water to make a drawing poultice)
* Colloidal Copper 500 ml (anti fungal, anti parasitic, anti viral, anti bacterial)
* Colloidal Copper Sun Protection 100 ml – also for sunburn and healthy skin
* Colloidal Silver 500 ml (food poisoning, tummy upsets, burns, cuts and much more)
* Colloidal Silver Healing Gel 100 ml (any skin conditions, cuts, bites, burns etc)
* DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide), a carrier, can be used with any of the above products
* MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) 30 ml duo – for washing fruit/veg, purifying water and so much more
Mini Kit (3 products)
* Charcoal Powder
* Colloidal Silver 1 litre
* MMS 30 ml duo
Further information on each of these products can be found on their respective web pages.
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