Wouldn’t you love to effortlessly create good energy all around you? – Mailer 30-7-24

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Wouldn’t you love to effortlessly create good energy all around you?

Here is a short intro to a book about a humble genius who brought us this wonderful technology, Slim Spurling :

“The matrix that supports every outer manifestation has shifted
in such a positive way here. Even the adjacent community, a town that up till now people were too embarrassed to admit that they came from, is experiencing a renaissance. I think it may have something to do with the frequencies pouring out of my living room and wonder what the world would be like if Harmonizers were running everywhere. Is it possible? Can we change the quality of life just through the use of frequencies?
Slim’s tools travel with me wherever I go. I use them whenever
I can. This technology is so much a part of my life at this point it would take too long to list all the positive changes I witness whenever I put it to use. The effects that seemed miraculous in the beginning are still just as miraculous”

Cal Garrison “Slim Spurling’s UNIVERSE”
Ancient Science Rediscovered to Restore the Health of the Environment and Mankind

Wish to know more?!
Here is the link to the book referenced above:

Do watch this video which explains further :

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Two recommended links :

  • Colloidal Copper – a humble healthy healer
  • Copper – Bet you didn’t know this!

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