Truth and Great Possibilities
Greetings everyone,
We purchased this “Truth About C@ncer” docu-series to give everyone the opportunity to learn many truths and to then drop any fear related to this subject. So please take time to watch this series of videos which also presents many wonderful health recoveries.

It is now so important to do everything you can to ensure your body is healthy, with an intact immune system. Then you are pretty much invincible. Trust yourself and your wonderful intuition about what is right for you.
It’s largely about taking responsibility for our own health and not just accepting what someone says we must or must not do. There are many wonderful natural, inexpensive and safe alternatives. Please take heart and research your own particular condition. There is no ‘one size fits all’ – we are all beautifully individual and unique.
Please don’t wait for a health issue before you implement some of these suggestions – get going right away so you don’t ever need to walk that path!
Find out how best to go about obtaining healthy foods for starters.
Herebelow are the notes I made while watching the series – I hope you will find them helpful.
I wish you all abundant health going forward! , Yvonne

The essential quick tips: 1. Eat super healthy food – fruit and vegetables especially (ideally oranic/home-grown) 2. Hydrate yourself with clean water 3. Dive in and do your own research 4. Refuse to “own” any condition that is diagnosed for you, i.e. don’t say “my ……….” 5. Stay positive and grateful for all the opportunities now available * Dr Edward Group All conditions, all diseases, have parasitical components |
. Parasite:
Any harmful organism that lives in/on a host. Anything that lives off your body.
We now have synthetic, man-made parasites (confirmed by Royal Raymond. Rife) You have to get rid of all parasites!
Then clean out heavy metals and chemicals from the system (detox)
. Doctors should be teachers who explain how & why to reactivate the body’s self-
healing mechanisms
. Essential oils have huge benefits
. The Liver is only operating at approximately 10% for most people. Recommended liver cleanse includes olive oil (also good for diabetes and most conditions. Each liver cleanse boosts the liver e.g.
Cleanse 1 ….. up to 20-30%
Cleanse 2 ….. up to 50%
Cleanse 3 ….. up to 65%
Cleanse 4 ….. up to 80%
Then our self-healing mechanisms kick back in again !
There are many different forms of cleanses, e.g. Dr Edward Group’s Parasite Cleanse includes Paratrax, colloidal silver, oregano, quercetin, (safe and beneficial) , Supercharged C60 and Iodine (especially for synthetic parasites). Bio-Sil’s Library has many suggestions.

* Dr. Bryan Ardis A compound from licorice root may stop hyper-clotting caused by venom peptides (EDTA). Snake venom is destroyed by EDTA. Recommendation for people who have had C-19 vax jabs, to overcome the snake venom : Liquid EDTA 1 millilitre 2 x day first thing in the morning or capsules (1000 mg) daily in the morning. Don’t take any minerals until 2 hours later. Glutathione 1000 milligrams, Vitamin C 2000-5000 mg per day, split up throughout the day (Bio-Sil recommends natural buffered Vitamin C, N-Acetyl Cystine 2000 mg per day, Dr Group’s Foreign Protein Cleanse and a binder such as Apple Pectin Powder (1500 mg daily) The snake venom (e.g. in vax shots) is inhibited or destroyed by reducing agents such as Glutathione, Cysteine and Ascorbic C (Vitamin C) and is completely destroyed by EDTA. Apple Pectin Powder – to detox, lower cholesterol, improve all bowel issues, help lose weight and lose fat, help absorb iron, heart health benefits, detox the body daily. Take daily 700mg 2 x day* Dr Henry Ealy (Energetic Health Institute) Test liver health by leaning forward and gently press fingers under the ribs (this is where the liver is) – dig in gently and pull forward. If tender or swollen, it is a sign that liver toning is required. This can be done with (daily) : 1 teaspoon organic avocado oil drizzled over food for a couple of weeks. * Poop should float! That’s a good sign for the liver! * Fasting is great – there are different forms, such as intermittent fasting, water fasting etc. * Avoid food for 3 hours before going to bed * Dr Klinghardt Chlorella and coriander are recommended for heavy metals detox *Ty Bollinger 1. Juicing 2. Essiac Tea 3. Magnesium 4. Eat real food (non GMO wherever possible) 5. Rigvir Latvia 6. Selenium 7. Frankincense, Myrrh (known to heal a brain tumour) – add in Turmeric and you have the gold as well 8. Thyme and Camomile essential oils; use essential oils with a carrier oil such as coconut oil. e.g. 2-4 drops of essential oil : 10 drops carrier oil and rub onto the area. Or apply to soles of the feet. Also good in a diffuser. For breast cancer – two wonderful healing essential oils are Thyme and Camomile. Statistics – Thyme essential oil eliminated up to 97% of breast cancer cells andCamomile essential oil eliminated up to 93% of breast cancer cells!* Dr Mercola 1. Intermittent fasting (for obesity, cancer, parasites) 2. Curcumin 3. Vitamin D – exposure to the sun which benefits bone health, heart health and can reduce cancer by 50%. It optimises 10% of our DNA. Sunscreen increases skin cancer. 4. Flood cells with light 5. Fresh organic food which is filled with light, especially greens Wheatgrass, beets, carrots, celery (juice) Moringa, chlorella and spirulina 6. Hyperbaric chamber (high pressure oxygen) 7. Water – super hydrate the cells = healing 8. Product: Living Fuel 9. Don’t eat for at least 3 hours before bed 10.Good sleep 11.Ketogenic diet 12.Avocado, coconut oil, natural butter, olives, nuts (macademia and pecan) * Dr Igor Smirnov MRET water – spring mineral water* Dr Matthias Rath 10 000 Patients Book: Victory Over Cancer* Dr Gerson Cottage cheese and Flaxseed Oil protocol (easy) Earthing Dr Patrick Vickers (Gerson Clinic) 1. Juicing 2. Coffee enemas 3. B-17 (Laetrille) 4. Hyperthermia* Dr Marcel Wolfe Light for healing Shows that a cross section of human DNA is pure sacred geometry* Dr Burzynski A component of Rosemary – Carnosol, a powerful anti-cancer product. Eat a rainbow of cololurs in natural foods. Resveritrol and Curcumin * Wayne Rowland 1. Clear the pancreas and candida with 6 drops Lugol’s Iodine in water 3 x day for 3-4 days 2. Achieve age regression with deworming and intestinal cleanses 3. Vibration and frequency is everything* Jordan Rubin from Garden of Life cured himself in a year, has written books. Cancer is a spiritual, emotional, mental condition Prayer 3 x a day (for and give forgiveness) Even genetic cancer can be turned around with good nutrition B17 – Laetrille Essiac Tea* Dr Michael Farley (book: A Guide to Understanding Herbal Medicines and Surviving the Coming Pharmaceutical Monopoly ) Vitamin C, D, B-17, Hemp oil* Dr Robert Gorter Don’t “own” the condition. To hell with cancer! Water fast 1-3 weeks Healing comes from within Energy Medicine Protocols – there are many Everyone is unique Quantum physics – enhance the energy field ………………………………………………………………… The Truth About Cancer : A Global Quest Special Q & A episode “As long as there is breath, there is hope. Cancer does not have to be a death sentence” – Charlene Bollinger |
Please share this mailer with a friend or family member who you think would find it helpful. To review our previous mailer please visit this link: is still so noxious to all life forms, in addition to purifying your drinking water, please do the same for all pets and birds, bees, etc. Water is an essential for us all and MMS does the trick, simply, efficiently and inexpensively. To this end we have put together a neat starter kit with a free gift for you- at this link |
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