
Snake venom – mindblowing must listen information on all our prevalent deathly health situations

Please take time to listen and understand … be an enlightened human who understands what’s been going on
with regard to health and hastened death

Dr Ardis is a world recognised medical researcher of note.
All concepts that he discusses are well referenced on his website :

This book explains all of this in great detail – now available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble

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Yvonne’s notes in summary:

Explosive Intel No One Expected!

Hydroxychloroquine (and tobacco) neutralises the snake venom in vaxxines –

Crate snake and Cobra venom (… and others to follow)

Tons of synthetic venoms (snake, scorpion, snail etc) were produced in medical laboratories ….
DNA plasmids included in drugs,  vaxxines, cosmetics and insecticides for e.g.

Experiment carried out on dental anaesthetics – containing nano-tech
using nicotine leaves which had been steeped in water
the water was applied to the anaesthetics and it dissolved all of the nano-tech

Purpose of these vaxxines ….. no question …. Created with money and power being the motivators


5G Towers also linked in to this nefarious nano-techy technology – in order to control you

The Number One Antidote ………….. NICOTINE

Money-motivated – e.g.
Vaxinate a baby and create sickness for the rest of their lives (ensuring income for the harmaceutical companies, calculated down to the last breath)

Newborns are given their first vax within 12 hours of birth – Hepatitis B and Vitamin K

SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), a man-made condition which then developed to affect adults too  … occurs within 48 hours of being vax’d

Venom suppresses both the breathing (respiratory) and heart (circulatory) systems –
crossing the blood/brain barrier

Anyone struggling with new disease symptoms (e.g. depression, dementia and many more), since 2020 …………… still has venom circulating in their bodies, creating these conditions

NICOTINE is not addictive!
For 50 years now they have added 50 toxic chemicals to tobacco products (called pyrazines) – these are what make tobacco products so addictive

Nicotine is a nutrient and not a drug!

Did you know the following vegetables contain varying amounts of nicotine, including :
bellpeppers, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, tomato, zucchini

Are these plants addictive (?!!)
Does one have to ask for a “broccoli break” at work?!!!!

“Just in the nicotine of time”

Every person in a trial, was given nicotine (7 mg) patches;
* within 3 days …. 50% of every symptom had disappeared, using the smallest nicotine patch
* within 6 days they stopped the nicotine patches and all (100%) of the test persons’ symptoms stopped! 
Every symptom was reversed

Another study created myocarditis with the cocksackie virus (during the pandemic)
after confirming that the animals’ hearts were damaged with this virus, they injected 3 doses of nicotine in a 3-day period.  Scans on the heart for the next 14 days .. the heart was completely healed – simply with small doses of nicotine.

Question – how many cardiologists or doctors have recommended nicotine for this type of condition?

Nicotine has been proven to cure (published by medical science) in the past 40 years:
Parkinsons, MS, alzheimers, dementia, ulcerative colitis (a bowel disease), arthritis, myocarditis and more

It has been proven to stop the volatile behaviour and anti-social behaviour in autistic adults and children

Turbo c@ncer and glioblastomas (created by the venom in the jabs within less than 72 hours)
Glioblastomas can be dissolved by nicotine 50% in less than 72 hours with just nicotine so within another 72 hours 100 would be dissolved

Nicotine is a nootropic (neurologically stimulating) – it actually improves cognitive function.

50:47 the actual study is shown, with images
and more mind-blowing information

Powdered, water soluble cone-snail venom is available online!!!!!!
(It is used in cosmetics – cancer forming …… please note)

WEF and their agenda for depopulation – details provided

Dr Ardis’s books is now available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble –
contains all of this information :

Cadmium and snake venom enable 5G technology access to human cells and damage DNA

More mind-blasting information follows in this podcast ……………………..

Licorice Root and Cinnamon Casia dissolves venom bloodclots
Cinnamon containing Cumarin protects the pancreas

The harmaceutical industrial-created medication is called Cumadin!!!!!!!! Holy moly

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