Red Light Therapy (RLT)

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PEMF Red Light Therapy (RLT) – healing health booster

Download Free Book: PEMF The 5th Element of Health

Red light and ultra-sound PEMF unit available from Bio-Sil at this link


Please find hereunder my personal notes taken from the video provided at the link below (Yvonne)
It is highly recommended that you watch the full video!

Dr Andrew Huberman : RLT

Light Therapy is the BEST POSSIBLE THING you can do for your cells

* Ensure 10 minutes of natural light early in the morning for a great start to the day
* Get the light in your eyes
* Avoid bright lights at night, even on a bathroom break as they are sleep disrupters
* 10pm – 4am should be DARK HOURS for your optimum health benefits

Sunlight 3 times per week for 20 minutes
“I can think of no other form of energy – not sound, not chemical energy, so not drugs, nor food, nor touch, no form of energy that can target the particular locations in our cells, in our organelles, in our organs and in our body, to the extent that light can.    In other words, light would be the sharpest and most precise of those tools”

(An organelle is a sub-cellular structure that has one or more specific jobs to perform in the cell, much like an organ does in the body)


RLT benefits :
* Alzheimers aid
* healing problems in the body
* more energy
* fading of scars and stretch marks
* increased weight loss
* reduced joint pain and inflammation
* enhanced athletic performance
* incredible multiple health benefits for the body

RLT passes deep into the body and changes the metabolic functions of different cells
(metabolic – the total of all chemical changes that take place in a cell or an organism to produce energy and basic materials needed for important life processes)
functions of different cells

The Brain
is the biggest consumer of energy in your body
Eyes are the only part of the body that are outside of the brain, which is why light in the eyes gets to the brain

Top Benefits of RLT
Eyesight improves – over 40’s had a 22% improvement in visual acuity in an official trial
* Skin – new collagen is produced resulting in smoother skin, better appearance, acne, sun spots, pigment issues
* Sleep
   RLT helps ready the body for sleep
* Speeds weight loss
* Joints
   cartilage regeneration;  morning stiffness;  reduced inflammation;      
   rheumatoid arthritis relief;  improved joint function;  improved blood flow
* Wound healing – speeds healing, reduces pain and inflammation.  
   This includes burns, surgery incisions and scars
* Hair – significant increase in hair growth and hair density in many cases
* Parkinsons – RLT can be hugely helpful
* Dementia – promising results in helping to offset this condition
* C@ncer – RLT helps destroy c@ncer cells.  
   It also shows benefits post chemo / radiation sessions
* Kidneys
* Spleen
* Prostate
* Fibromyalgia

Over 100 conditions are helped – there are just too many to list here!


Dr Anthony Balduzzi : RLT* regenerate hair
* build collagen
* smooth fine lines and wrinkles
* anti-ageing
* heals acne scars and helps clear acne

RLT is safe
* shine on face daily (3 minutes)
* sunrise and sunset best times to benefit directly from the Sun
* helps regenerate mitochondria
(Mitochondria are special compartments (organelles) in our cells that are best known for their role as powerhouses, as they breakdown food molecules and turn out ATP, a molecular fuel for the rest of the cell)

Mitochondria - Definition, Structure ...


Light is a huge aspect of life

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