The vast majority of magnesium is found in muscle tissue (one quarter) and bone (three-fifths).
Less than 1% is found in the blood. It is necessary for the stabilization of membranes, the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids.
It is also required for muscle function, nerve function, and even for the formation of teeth and bones.
Magnesium supplementation is one of the most important health actions that you can take. Magnesium affects virtually every bodily system.
A very informative reservoir of accurate information can be found here:
Magnesium is necessary for the following:
Controlling the endocrine system Controlling the nervous system Essential for a healthy immune system Helps generate energy Helps maintain muscle functions Helps regulate blood pressure Helps regulate blood sugar Helps synthesis of protein Intracellular homeostasis It controls energy production It helps keep heart rhythm steady It is associated with nucleic acid and mononucleotides in the cell It is necessary for DNA and the code of proteins It is necessary for the body to produce and store energy It is necessary for the protection of enzyme activity
| Keeps bones healthy and strong Maintaining nerve functions Many other activities in the body Metabolism of acetylcholine Metabolism of cadmium Metabolism of calcium Metabolism of copper Metabolism of hydrochloric acid Metabolism of iron Metabolism of lead Metabolism of many enzymes Metabolism of Nitric oxide Metabolism of phosphorus Metabolism of potassium Metabolism of sodium Metabolism of zinc Most critical bodily functions The activities of thiamine
We are at risk of developing dread diseases because modern farming methods have caused the depletion of magnesium in our food intake. If you do not receive an optimal magnesium intake you are at risk.
Some of the conditions that develop because of an inadequate magnesium intake:
Abnormal calcium deposits ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder) Aggressive behaviour Agoraphobia, fear of crowds, open spaces, being in a place with no escape Alcoholism Alzheimer’s Disease Angina Anorexia Anxiety Anxiety disorders Arrhythmia (irregular heart rate) Arteriosclerosis Arthritis Osteoarthritis Arthritis Rheumatoid Asthma Autism Autoimmune disorders Bulimia Carbohydrate craving Cardiovascular disease Cavities Cerebral Palsy (children from magnesium-deficient mothers) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cluster headaches Cognitive Heart Disease Cold hands and feet Colitis Constipation Crohn’s disease Crooked teeth and narrow jaw (from magnesium-deficient mothers) Delirium Dementia Depression Diabetes Diabetes-type 1 Diabetes-type 2 Difficulty swallowing Eating disorders Endometriosis Excitability Fatigue Fibromyalgia Food allergies Gut disorders Heart attack Heart disease
| Hypertension Hypoglycaemia Impaired athletic performance Infantile Seizure (children from magnesium-deficient mothers) Insomnia High cholesterol High triglycerides Kidney stones Learning disabilities Lou Gehrig’s Disease Loud noise sensitivity Lupus Menstrual pain and irregularities Mental confusion Migraine headaches Mitral Valve Prolapse (a common heart condition that is not life-threatening) Multiple Sclerosis Muscle cramps Muscle weakness and fatigue Myopia, eyesight problems. (from magnesium-deficient mothers) Numbness Obesity-associated with carbohydrate diets Osteoporosis Palpitations Parkinson’s Disease Peptic ulcers Photophobia (extreme light sensitivity) PMS (premenstrual syndrome) Poor wound healing Pregnancy problems Primary Pulmonary Hypertension (PPH) Psychosis Raynaud’s Salt craving Schizophrenia Seizures Stress Stroke Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Syndrome X-insulin resistance Thyroid disorders-low, high and auto-immune, low magnesium reduces T4 Tingling Tremors Urinary spasms/problems
As you can see from the above incomplete list, Magnesium is one of the most important supplements that you can take
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