Kraut, raw organic


Rich in the right stuff
Fermented vegetables and foods are rich in probiotics, digestive enzymes, high in the vitamins B& C boosting immunity, aiding digestion and balancing gut flora

Raw Organic Kraut

500ml wild fermented raw kraut

Organic raw cabbage, Himalayan salt, Grass-fed whey, Caraway, Coriander, Fennel, Black and yellow mustard seeds, Fenugreek

Please refrigerate once opened

Recommended serving:
One heaped tablespoon per day (is all you need)
It’s actually delicious!

Fermented vegetables and foods are rich in probiotics, digestive enzymes, high in Vitamins B & C.
Boosts immunity, aiding direction and balancing gut flora

Further information:

First and foremost, sauerkraut’s live and active probiotics have beneficial effects on the health of your digestive tract — and therefore the rest of your body too. That’s because a very large portion of your immune system actually lives within your gut and is run by bacterial organisms, what you can think of as “your gut’s bugs” that live within your intestinal flora.

Microbial imbalances have been associated with enhanced risks of various diseases, but luckily obtaining beneficial microorganisms from probiotic foods has repeatedly demonstrated health benefits in clinical settings.

After eating foods like sauerkraut that provide probiotics, these gut bugs take up residence on the lining and folds of your intestinal walls, where they communicate with your brain via the vagus nerve. They also act like your first line of defense against various harmful bacteria or toxins that enter your body.

Some beneficial probiotic bacteria found in sauerkraut and other cultured veggies are more or less permanent residents because they form long-lasting colonies. Others come and go more quickly but still have important anti-inflammatory effects.

Weight2000 g


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