Lugol’s Iodine
Drops : 50 ml
50 ml in glass bottle with dropper
Per drop: 5% solution
Iodine 2,5mg
Potassium Iodide 5mg
Not irradiated, additive-free
Increasing oxygen in the system, boosting the immune system.
Acts as a natural ‘antibiotic’
Boosts the immune system and ncreases oxygen levels in the system;
essential for brain development
Suggested Dosage:
As directed by your natural health care practitioner or as discovered through your own research
It is best added to a glass of water or, as some people are finding, can be added to a cup of coffee
Not recommended to be taken neat due to the strong taste
Iodine is a trace mineral and an essential component of key thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones regulate the metabolic activities of most cells and play a vital role in the process of early growth and development of most organs, especially the brain.
Inadequate intake of iodine can lead to insufficient production of these hormones, which would adversely affect muscle, heart, liver, kidney and the developing brain
Metabolism is a term that is used to describe all chemical reactions involved in maintaining the living state of the cells and the organism.
Further Information:
A helpful and informative link:
Everything You Need To Know About Iodine by Dr. Group, DCVideo link:
The health benefits of iodine have been known for years. But where does a person start? Is all iodine the same? What does it even do?
Whether you regularly supplement with iodine or have yet to begin, this webinar is for you. Dr. Group, DC will explain exactly what iodine is, why it’s essential for good health, and how to enjoy its benefits immediately. In this webinar, you’ll learn…
- The relationship between iodine and the thyroid gland
- Why iodine is necessary for a healthy metabolism and hormone levels
- The importance of iodine for women
- Common toxins that disrupt iodine absorption
- How nuclear events change the game entirely
- The best sources of iodine, including Detoxadine® — Global Healing’s own iodine supplement
* Lindie – Very good product. I use the product now for 3 weeks. I felt a difference within a few days. My mood much better. Also my thyroid gland almost back to normal size.
* I now add at least six drops to every cup of coffee – it seems to enhance the flavour! JL
* Very good info… I use iodine in my nebuliser when having the flu or respiratory issues… DL
* Marloe – Very good product. Great for those on a carnivore diet
* Julia – I have been using it for a week or so, and I can feel a massive difference, I highly recommend this for people who are on the carnivore diet
* Lucia – It’s one of the best Iodine products I’ve used
* Gail – The dropper of the bottle allows to easily get out 2 drops and means this bottle is to travel with, without worrying that the dropper will break
* Lee – Wonderful product, only a drop or two in a glass of water does wonders. Would definately recommend
* Bianca – I have used this product now a few days, and it made an instant difference, I would highly recommend it. even at a high dose, it does not cause me any abdominal discomfort
* EC – absolutly love thiss product – i add drops to my coffee – it seems to enhance the taste!
* Philemon – Does the job I bought it for
* Teresa – I’m very happy with this product. the dropper works well and the price is very reasonable
* Wendy – I take iodine every day for health. This particular brand is very reasonable and good quality
* Tanyth – Very good product and I am very happy with the qualityThe product looks and behaves exactly as advertised. The dispenser at the top makes for easy application. Proper texture and working as recommended
* feroze – Good quality product which works for it’s intended use. Tastes bad though
* pravit – Very good quality and price
* Veshen – it’s really strong, caution taking the drops directly ,, dilute 1:10 i would think, good luck… itself
Chantel Arends –
Dani –
I woke up with a sore throat and slight cough this morning – a few drops of Lugol’s Iodine in half a glass of water and I was back to perfect health within minutes ! Dani P
Daniel –
Oct 14, 2022 by Daniel
Lugols Iodine And DMSO
I recently did a trail run through a forest in KZN. A few days later I noticed a spider bite on my arm. I was advised by a friend to put a few drops of Lugols Iodine on followed by a drop or two of DMSO, I did this daily, and it is now a week later and the bite is almost gone. Thanks for stocking great products.
lindieoscar –
My hair fell out like crazy. Saw a Barbara O Neill video clip about iodine deficiency. So I put a drop on my skin and it vanished immediately, a clear sign of iodine deficiency. Started to use it everyday. The hair loss stopped within days and my hair back to normal again after a few months. Thank you for a great product.