Parasite Elimination Guide





A helpful guideline / outline of simple steps to abundant health

Parasites Dr Group

This is a helpful guide to parasite elimination and helping to reverse side effects from toxic vaxxines.

I believe that these to be invaluable steps in regaining any form of lost
health or in dealing with most health issues.
These are my personal suggestions (largely based on experience)

Wishing you abundant health always!


If you’ve not yet watched this movie, please do take time to learn what is going on apropos this subject matter :

Seek help in resolving emotional issue/s which most likely triggered the health condition being experienced.
Here are some suggestions in this regard:

Decide that now you take full responsibility of said condition and don’t rely on someone to “fix it” for you!
It is really not that difficult once you take this step.
Learn to trust your intuition in making choices.
You could also learn to muscle test or dowse.
Start visualising the situation as already healed / cured, with gratitude and appreciation. This is a most powerful and important step!


Watch the free docu-series which we have available at the link below – for encouragement and wonderful alternative solutions which are affordable.

Visit our Online Library
regularly (which also has a handy subject Index), to become familiar with the latest research and findings from wonderful experts in the field of natural health and healing.

Ensure a healthy lifestyle – sleep, exercise and a healthy natural diet.
Sugar, carbs (all processed food, bread (sourdough is an exception), cakes, cereals, sweets) should be avoided, as should pasteurised and irradiated products.
Take a good probiotic to encourage optimum gut performance.


Parasite Eliminate / Detox
There are a number of different protocols for parasite elimination and toxin binding (to speed up waste elimination) that we offer including:

Apple Pectin Powder
Black Cumin Oil
Black Walnut Hull Tincture
Candida Healing Capsules
Candida, IB and Parasite Remedy Tincture
CDS Chlorine Dioxide Solution
Cloves Capsules
Colloidal Copper
Colloidal Silver
Defend Aid Cream (for babies and children)
Anti Parasitic Nanoparticle Healing Cream (also for babies and children)
Diatomaceous Earth Powder and Capsules
DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide)
Fenbendazole (Master Detox)
Graphene Oxide Remedy (GO Chelation)
Ivermectin (Viral Boost)
MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution)
Nattokinase Capsules
Nicotine Tincture
Parasite & Liver Cleanse Combo
Parasite & Worm eliminate Capsules
Parasite Cleanse Kit
Pine Oil
Red Light and ultra-sound PEMF unit
Rife Unit
Selenium Capsules
Turmeric & Piperine Powder and Capsules
Wormwood Capsules
Zeolite Powder

Liver Cleanse
Liver / Gall-bladder Cleanse Kit
Liver Cleanse, Detox & Rejuvenate Protocol
Milk Thistle & Dandelion Tincture
NAC (N-|Acetyl Cysteine) Capsules

Once you’ve done a good clearing (including a liver cleanse) it is wise to go straight onto one of the other Parasite Elimination protocols, followed again by a liver cleanse.

When the parasites are being eliminated they lay thousands of eggs and their hatching can bring on a whole new onslaught of parasitic infestation. There are also nano parasites especially through the heavily pushed jabs.

So parasite removal followed by liver cleanse is the way forward for now.

Here are a few important links to take note of :

Dr Lee Merritt :

Parasitemovie :

Dr Bryan Ardis :

My personal choice for starting out :

  • Fenbendazole (4 nights on, 3 nights off) – 60 Capsules
  • Ivermectin (2 tablets and then one a week for 8 weeks)

(I have taken both together without any problem)

  • Cloves Capsules (to help eliminate parasite eggs prior to their hatching)
  • Apple Pectin Powder (or Zeolite or Diatomacous Earth) to help the body eliminate parasite pee, poo and other detritus
  • Liver Cleanse using the Liver / Gall-bladder Cleanse Kit

    As soon as the last Fenbendazole capsule is taken commence the liver cleanse – best over a weekend and important to follow instructions exactly

Wishing you abundant health always

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