Nothing short of miraculous – Chlorine Dioxide or MMS
(For adults, children and pets) – Safe, effective and superbly beneficial
Despite an avalanche of attemps to hide this amazing simple, inexpensive cure from the public, truth always finds a way, as you can see in the video.
Thank goodness!, as innumerable lives have been saved or restored to a healthy state. Conditions mentioned in this presentation include Covid, Cancer, Lyme, Malaria, Urticaria (Hives),
Important to understand: MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) once activated by combining drops with the accompanying weak HCl (hydrochloric acid – as is found in the stomach to help digest food) solution, converts into Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2). This is NOT the same as chlorine bleach (Cl) at all, as detractors would have one believe!
Do get comfortable, sit back and learn about something which could one day save your life or the life or a loved one.
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