Here are some super helpful tips to see you safely through these nippy months.
Pine Needle Tea
100% Organic, contains Suramin and Shikimic Acid
which have many add-on benefits
Recommend starting at the first sign of a scratchy
throat add ginger, lemon and turmeric for added
Pine Needle Tea (100% organic)R208.00
Doctor Online (via e-mail)
Over 60 years of medical experience, plus ayurvedic
and natural health – all in this most gentle and
compassionate doctor’s field
You don’t need to take chances with your health –
just check in and receive the best help
CDS – Chlorine Dioxide Solution
Body purification drops. Do visit our web page for informative videos and other information.
A wonderful product to have on hand (needs to be refrigerated) for many health challenges. Can be given to children and pets as well
CDS Chlorine Dioxide SolutionR18.00 – R192.00
Colloidal Copper
Up and coming in popularity – because it works so well!
Anti Fungal, Anti Parasitic, Anti Viral, Anti Bacterial
This lovely product is also beneficial for both skin and hair
Colloidal Copper 500 mlR115.00
DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) 100ml or 500ml
For topical use to help treat painful conditions and speed the healing of wounds.
Taken internally it is a “carrier” for other products.
Videos and other information is provided at this link:
DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide)R178.00 – R684.00
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