Jim Humble

MMS and Chlorine Dioxide : Miraculous Healers : Part 1


(Miracle Mineral Solution)

Miraculous Healers (Part 1)

As discovered by Jim Humble

This video explains it in real-time

Used for disinfection of both water and blood – inexpensive …… and available at this site

17 people negative in two days (Covid Virus) and much more …..


Please see below for product links

Miracle Mineral Ssolution  and Chlorine Dioxide Solution  (both forms of ChlorineDioxide ClO2)





You now have the opportunity to read the first clinical study multicentre carried out in several countries of Latin America which clearly demonstrates that the chlorine dioxide is a fully effective treatment against COVID-19

It is nothing more and nothing less than the first scientific study in humans with chlorine dioxide for therapeutic use

This exceptional study has been registered and accepted at clinicaltrials.gov on April 7, 2020 (NCT 04343742) and falls within the studies categorized as ECE (quasi-experimental pilot studies) by the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information)

If you want to access this pioneering study and expand your knowledge about it, you can download it from the following link

AUTISM also has a successful protocol which is related to these products

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