Bruce Lipton

Epigenetics vs Genetics – Dr Bruce Lipton

This is the simple definition of epigenetics: 
When a gene product (a protein) is needed, a signal from its environment, not an inherent property of the gene itself, activates expression of that gene. This definition reveals we are masters of our genetic activity, for we are the ones that read and respond to environmental signals which in turn allows us to control our genetic activity.

August 2024
Hello Dear Friends, Cultural Creatives & Seekers Everywhere,

  The Epigenetic (R) Evolution

 Most everyone has acquired an education that genes turn on and off, and in the process control the character of our lives. As far as we know, we did not pick the genes we were born with, and we cannot change our genes if we do not like the character they provide. Collectively, these insights leave us to conclude that we are “victims” of our heredity.

 For example, when cancer runs in a family, recipients of the so-called cancer gene consciously perceive that they themselves will inevitably succumb to the same disease. In this regard, it is important to note, that there is not one gene that causes cancer.

Nine out of ten cancers are due to dysfunctional lifestyle. The public has been disempowered by the belief in genetic determinism, the scientific assumption that genes “control” life. This belief leads people to perceive that they are powerless victims of their inherited genes. When perceived as “powerless,” people will seek healing from outside sources … whatever the cost. In 1990, science made a major course-correction, we transitioned from genetics to epigenetics.

The new insights emphasize that genes are not “self-actualizing,” simply, they cannot control their own activity. This is the simple definition of epigenetics: When a gene product (a protein) is needed, a signal from its environment, not an inherent property of the gene itself, activates expression of that gene. This definition reveals we are masters of our genetic activity, for we are the ones that read and respond to environmental signals which in turn allows us to control our genetic activity. A problem with this insight is defining what is referred to as “environment.” Science emphasizes the influential of the external environment in controlling our genes. Unfortunately, they fail to recognize that the body’s internal environment under our skin is a separate environment from that in the outer world. The environment conditions within the body are controlled by the nervous system, which in turn is controlled by our perceptions of the world.  

Conventional science generally ignores the role of the mind in controlling the body’s functions, especially its role in shaping gene activity. In bypassing the influence of the mind’s role in controlling health, allopathic medicine pursues healing by adjusting the body’s physiology using pharmaceutical drugs. While conventional science emphasizes the influence of the body’s external environment, the conditions of the interior of the body are essentially independent from that of the external world. The outer and inner environments are not directly connected. The significance is that the body’s interior environment is controlled by the nervous system, specifically, the conscious and subconscious minds. The conclusion is profound, the interior of the body is a unique environment shaped by the beliefs ( ) we hold in our mind. For an analogy, consider you live in a house in the cold winter. The weather outside can be way below freezing. However, the house’s internal environment is controlled by YOU, for you are the one that can regulate the thermostat and control the interior temperature. This is also true for your role in regulating the body’s interior environment.

Health problems arise when the nervous system interprets the external conditions, and through misperceptions, incorrectly adjusts the body’s interior environment. This results in dysfunctional behaviors that challenge our health and our lives. It is important to emphasize that less than 1% of disease is connected to genes. Over 90% of disease is due to stresses that result from not living in harmony with our external environmental demands. Knowledge of epigenetics represents an evolution in science; however, it is now beginning to express itself as a revolution in medicine. Healing through the mind is proving to be profoundly more effective and safer than the conventional approach of treating disease armed with pharmaceutical drugs. 

 The Biology of Belief  provides the foundation for future medical interventions.

 With Deepest wishes for your personal Health, Happiness and Love,

The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles

This new updated and expanded 10th anniversary edition of The Biology of Belief will forever change how you think about your own thinking. Stunning new scientific discoveries about the biochemical effects of the brain’s functioning show that all the cells of your body are affected by your thoughts. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., a renowned cell biologist, describes the precise molecular pathways through which this occurs. Using simple language, illustrations, humor, and everyday examples, he demonstrates how the new science of epigenetics is revolutionizing our understanding of the link between mind and matter, and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of our species.

“I read The Biology of Belief when it first came out. It was a pioneering book and gave a much needed scientific framework for the mind body spirit connection. Bruce’s insights and research created the basis of the epigenetic revolution that is now laying the foundation for a consciousness based understanding of biology. We are all indebted to him.”Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP,
Co-Author with Rudolph Tanzi, Super Genes: Unlock the Astonishing Power of Your DNA for Optimum Health and Wellbeing

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