DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) – by Jim Humble

DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide), is a gentle but powerful healing substance. It is a well-known carrier solvent used widely since 1955, by alternative practitioners and a few medical doctors, as a way to carry medications deeper into the tissues and organs of the body. Taken orally, it has been used to dissolve blood clots. Body organs that are used for transplants are submersed in 99.9% DMSO to transport them between hospitals, so DMSO will not hurt tissue.
Some protocols in this book call for using DMSO in combination with MMS1.
Please note, you never take DMSO and MMS2 (Hypochlorous Acid) at the same time.
DMSO has proven to bring good results as it helps to carry MMS1 deeper into tissues. DMSO by itself is also capable of relieving pain, diminishing swelling, reducing inflammation, encouraging healing, antifungal, dissolving blood clots, restoring normal function of the body and much more. DMSO is often used by veterinarians and athletic coaches in the treatment of muscle sprains and various injuries. It promotes healing by increasing the blood supply to the area of the injury.
I keep some DMSO on hand at all times for use should an accident occur. It can bring amazingly quick relief to sprains and bruises, and restore the injured area in a matter of minutes if applied soon after the accident. In major accidents it can help relieve pain and help the body heal quicker than normal. The sooner it is applied after the accident the better, but if you are unable to apply it soon after an accident, it nevertheless will speed the healing process, even if there is a delay in using it. Apply DMSO directly on the injury. You can apply it full strength.
If it burns or causes excessive itching add a small amount of water, a teaspoon or so, and gently rub it in. Keep adding water in small amounts if necessary, until there is no discomfort from the DMSO.
Below you will find some helpful information and things you must know about DMSO before using it as per the protocols in the book
In addition, I encourage you to research it out on the internet, where a wide range of information is available on the use of DMSO.

DMSO – look for the percentage (%) of “purity” on the bottle.
If the bottle has “99% or 99.99% “purity or “pure” on the bottle and no other numbers, it is the highest purity.
If possible, purchase full strength DMSO (that is 99% to 99.99% purity).
You can always dilute it down a little bit with distilled water if needed. If you do buy DMSO that is diluted, purchase one that is only diluted with water. It is sometimes diluted with Aloe Vera, and often it is scented. I do not recommend using those. Read the labels and product description carefully. If necessary, check with your supplier to be sure what you are purchasing.
Further information
One might think that undiluted DMSO is quite strong, but keep in mind that for the most part, our protocols call for mixing DMSO with water. I
f you take it in an oral dose, you are drinking it in 1/2 cup (4 oz/120 ml) of water. I
f you are using it in the Patch Protocol, water is also added, so these protocols provide for diluting it.
Many people can apply undiluted DMSO directly to the skin (rubbing it on, or using a spray bottle) and they do fine.
If one finds this too strong however, dilute your DMSO down a bit with distilled water. It is best to start with adding a small amount of water, as you can always add more if needed.
If you have diluted your DMSO with more than 10% distilled water, you can add one extra drop of that DMSO for each drop of MMS1 that is used in the protocol. For example, if the protocol calls for 3 drops of DMSO per 1 drop of MMS1, then use 4 drops of DMSO per drop of MMS1.
It is well known that DMSO has somewhat of an unpleasant smell and taste, however, the pharmaceutical grade DMSO has been described as having almost no smell or bad taste. It can be found on the internet and in some pharmacies. The cost is substantially higher.
DMSO—Safety Precautions
- DMSO is a solvent, and easily passes through the skin and into the tissues. It will also carry other substances along with it, so be careful what you have on the skin before handling DMSO
- If applying DMSO topically, be sure your hands and nails are clean and free from contaminants (including soap residue) when handling DMSO. You want to also be sure the area to which you apply DMSO is clean
- When washing an area of the skin before applying DMSO, it is best, if possible, to use natural, chemical-free soap to wash application areas and hands. Whether this is available or not, be sure any soap is completely rinsed off—or use no soap at all. Simply wash well (rubbing the skin) with clean water
- The best method to apply DMSO to the skin is simply to use clean dry bare hands when rubbing the DMSO into your body or on someone else
- If using bare hands to apply DMSO, do not wear finger nail polish. DMSO is a solvent that will not only dissolve the polish, but will also carry its toxic ingredients through the skin and into the body. You can cover your hand in a plastic sandwich bag (this type of plastic in general, is OK for use with DMSO) to apply the DMSO
- After handling DMSO, never wash it off with soap as it can carry the soap into the skin/tissues. Simply rinse the hands well with clean water
- Keep full strength DMSO out of your eyes
- Do not use most common gloves (rubber, latex, etc.) with DMSO. It can dissolve the gloves. Even dissolving a tiny bit of the gloves can then transfer the rubber or latex into your body. Gloves made of non-stretchable plastic are OK to use with DMSO. Normally DMSO will not hurt one’s hands, and gloves are not needed. If applying frequently or in large amounts for some skin types it may cause the skin to become wrinkly, but this soon passes
- Never add DMSO to an enema solution. The colon contains many toxins the body is flushing out. If you put DMSO in the colon, you can return some of those toxins back into the blood stream
Do not allow DMSO to come into contact with calcium hypochlorite (Hypochlorous Acid or MMS2). This will cause immediate combustion with extreme heat and fire. In this case, it does not need a spark to start the fire instantly. Use water to put out such a fire but stand back as the water will spatter
Never use DMSO in a drink while at the same time taking calcium hypochlorite (MMS2).
The DMSO can cause the MMS2 to heat and it could become very uncomfortable in your stomach. If this should happen by accident, drink plenty of cold water to alleviate any discomfort
- If adding DMSO to an MMS1 dose, as per Protocol 1000 Plus for example, you must calculate no more than 3 drops of DMSO to each drop of MMS1, and it must be mixed with at least 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120 ml) of water
- If on a protocol that calls for taking MMS2 in the same day as MMS1/DMSO doses, you can do this, but the MMS2 capsule must be separated out by at least 30 minutes from the MMS1/DMSO doses. Never take a dose containing DMSO and an MMS2 capsule at the same time!
DMSO is available from Bio-Sil at these links : DMSO 100ml and 500ml DMSO Special Blend (gentle in application) DMSO for Pets
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