Fight Frustrating Acne with Colloidal Silver…at Any Age!
Did you know that colloidal silver, nature’s safe, natural antimicrobial, is a powerful weapon in helping fight and prevent acne breakouts?
Many experienced colloidal silver users claim it makes the perfect substitute for the potentially harmful, chemical-laden and sometimes caustic acne medications and prescription antibiotic drugs so often used to treat persistent acne.
Here’s what you need to know about using colloidal silver to help your body heal pimples, boils, blackheads, whiteheads and acne outbreaks in general, quickly, easily and effectively…
Hi, Steve Barwick here, for The Silver Edge…
Some may laugh it off saying zits, blackheads and whiteheads are just life’s cruel joke designed to crush adolescent enthusiasm. But in reality, acne can be a serious matter for both teens and adults alike.
In fact, according to this study, published in the British Medical Journal way back in 1979, facial acne affected only 3% of men and 5% of women after age 40.
But the researchers also discovered that the average age of clinical acne cases had increased from age 18 to age 26 – this, in just a few short years. And doctors were seeing significant increases in cases of adult-onset acne in both men and women well into their 40s!
The study authors speculated at the time that “the surprisingly high prevalence of acne in adults may be related to antibiotic treatment.” In other words, way back in the 1970’s researchers were speculating that the use of antibiotic drugs to treat acne may have been allowing acne-related bacteria to mutate and grow stronger and more prevalent, reaching further into the adult population than it previously had.
Today, nearly 35 years later, a whopping “25% of adult men and 50% of adult women” are affected by stubborn acne outbreaks at some point in their adult lives, according to an article on What’s more, “One-third of adults affected with facial acne also have acne on their back and body.”
In the course of this article you’re going to learn why you need not hate nor fear acne outbreaks any longer, thanks to a safe, natural substance known as colloidal silver which helps heal acne outbreaks in four important ways. More on that in just a moment.
But first, let’s take a closer look at the plague of acne, learn why acne outbreaks take place, and why even adults into their 40s, 50s and 60s are now being afflicted with this troublesome condition.
What Really Causes Acne?
According to an article on, acne results when the pores of the skin become plugged with dead skin cells and an oily substance produced by the skin’s sebaceous glands called sebum.
These plugged up skin pores in turn make the environment of the skin extremely conducive to bacterial overgrowth. It’s like turning your skin into a laboratory Petri dish. As the article on explains:
“Acne occurs when several things happen inside the pores. First, the sebaceous glands produce too much oil.
Then, as the pore’s lining naturally renews itself, it sheds dead cells. These cells – not the cells on the surface of the skin – combine with sebum to create a plug. The result is an enlarged, blocked pore called a comedo.
If the plug stays beneath the surface of the skin, it causes a whitehead. If it reaches the surface of the skin, it causes a blackhead. If the walls of the pore break down, the result is a pimple, also called a pustule.
Plugged pores create a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, which causes pain, inflammation and swelling. The bacteria and oil can also create deep, painful areas called cysts, which can lead to scarring.”
Meet the Acne Bacterium
In short, when the pores of the skin become plugged up with guck, they also become conducive to harboring colonies of various bacteria – including Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis and sometimes even Staphylococcus aureus.
While Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus are present in acne as well, researchers have mixed opinions regarding the extent to which either of these pathogens are involved as a causative agent in acne outbreaks.
For example, one clinical study titled “Staphylococcus aureus in Acne Pathogenesis: A Case-Control Study,” published in the North American Journal of Medical Sciences, begins by saying “There is considerable evidence which suggests a possible pathogenic role for Staphylococcus aureus in acne vulgaris” [i.e., adult onset acne].
Ominously, the study further states that “Most Staphylococcus aureus isolates in the acne group were resistant to doxycycline and tetracycline.” [Doxycycline and tetracycline, of course, being the two main antibiotic drugs being used by doctors to treat severe and persistent acne for decades.]
But the study ends with the researchers claiming the role of Staphylococcus aureus in acne is still “controversial” and that more research is needed. Well, of course. That’s what researchers do: more research.
According to an entry on, the other form of Staph bacteria that lives on human skin, Staphylococcus epidermis, is also implicated in acne outbreaks:
“Preliminary research also indicates Staphylococcus epidermidis is universally found inside affected acne vulgaris skin pores, where Propionibacterium acnes is normally the sole resident.”
In other words, there’s at least some evidence that acne results when Staphylococcus epidermidis begins to move in and colonize skin pores normally colonized by Propionibacterium acnes.
And while Staphylococcus epidermidis is almost universally considered by researchers to be a rather benign bacterium, one clinical study from May 2000, published in the Journal of Dermatology, demonstrated that “More than 30% of Staphylococcus epidermis isolates [from acne lesions] were resistant to antibiotics such as erythromycin, roxithromycin, and clindamycin.”
So regardless of which pathogens actually exacerbate acne, I certainly don’t want these potentially drug-resistant superpathogens growing out-of-control on my face!
Why Does Colloidal Silver Work So Well Against Acne?
According to colloidal silver advocates, there are basically four reasons:
Colloidal silver kills bacterial pathogens
In clinical studies, various forms of antimicrobial silver have already been proven to be effective against Propionibacterium acnes as well as the Staphylococcus family of bacteria.
For example, in this clinical study published in the Journal of Hospital Infection in March 2013, it was documented that wound dressings impregnated with antimicrobial silver were highly effective against Propionibacterium acnes.
According to the researchers, “The in-vitro data demonstrated that the silver-containing wound dressing was bactericidal against Propionibacterium acnes, it maintained its killing effect over a prolonged period (seven days)…”
In other words, the antimicrobial silver killed the Propionibacterium pathogen, and continued killing it for seven days.
Another clinical study evaluated how effective silver nanoparticles are against antibiotic-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis as well as other drug-resistant bacterial strains. The study authors found silver to be extremely effective, stating:
“The silver nanoparticles were evaluated for their antimicrobial activities against different pathogenic organisms.
The most sensitive antimicrobial activity has been observed against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus followed by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis and Streptococcus pyogenes.”
As you can see, silver demonstrated antimicrobial activity against even the drug-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis.
The bottom line is that silver has been clinically demonstrated to be extremely effective against the specific pathogens implicated in the onset of acne.
Colloidal silver helps boost immunity
Your immune system is your body’s primary defense against pathogenic microorganisms, including the ones associated with acne.
So could persistent and severe outbreaks of acne be a sign that something might be wrong with your immune system?
Well, according to the good folks at WebMD acne outbreaks can indeed be a symptom of a weakened immune system.
“When the immune system weakens, the body finds itself unable to fight toxic substances alone. This raises the levels of toxins and ultimately, the inner detoxification system gets weak, and you have more [acne] breakouts.”
Thankfully, colloidal silver supports the immune system in several ways. First, using colloidal silver to help kill pathogens gives the immune system a bit of a rest. It helps the immune system by taking some of the load off it, and thereby giving it time to re-charge. It’s been well documented that if the immune system is overwhelmed, it can become significantly weaker.
Secondly, researchers have discovered that colloidal silver helps stimulate certain immune system functions. For example, as I documented in The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual:
“One recent study (2002) conducted at The Departments of Immunology and Microbiology and Molecular Cell Immunology and Allergology, Advanced Medical Research Center, Nihon University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, discovered that silver ions activated mast cells (i.e., mastocytes).
Quoting the report: ‘These findings indicate that silver activates mast cells by bypassing the early signaling events required for the induction of calcium influx.
Our data strongly suggests the existence of an alternative pathway bypassing the early signaling events in mast cell activation and indicates that silver may be useful for analyses of such alternative mechanisms’.”*
This is a very important finding! Mast cells are similar to white blood cells, which are a crucial component of the immune system. While excessive stimulation of mast cells is prominent in allergic responses, normal activation of mast cells is intimately involved in wound healing and defense against pathogens.
According to, mast cells are particularly prominent in the skin:
“Mast cells are present in most tissues characteristically surrounding blood vessels and nerves, and are especially prominent near the boundaries between the outside world and the internal milieu, such as the skin, mucosa of the lungs, and digestive tract, as well as the mouth, conjunctiva, and nose.”
These specific areas of the human body – including the skin – are often among the first to be infected by invading organisms. Destroying these invaders by activating mast cells before they can take hold is therefore crucial to human health. And silver appears to do exactly that!
[*From page 90 of The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual, 547-pages.]
Of course, the FDA claims there is no use whatsoever for silver in the human body, and that it has no effect whatsoever on the human immune system. This claim is parroted by virtually all orthodox medical experts.
But independent clinical researchers, cutting edge health practitioners and experienced colloidal silver users tend to disagree with those contentions, considering them to be the FDA’s way of keeping people herded towards pharmaceutical drugs for all of their health issues.
Here are some quotes from other experts who reference, to one degree or another, the beneficial effects of colloidal silver on the human immune system:
According to Dr. Kent Holtorf, of the Holtorf Medical Group, silver may be a natural component of the human immune system:
“There is evidence that silver is a natural critical component of our immune system and that low tissue levels associated with a dietary deficiency may result in a relatively weakened immune system, making one more prone to infection.”
According to Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., author of the best-selling book, The Body Electric, who conducted ground-breaking research into silver and healing at Syracuse Medical University, the lower one’s bodily silver levels are, the more sickness and disease one is likely to have:
“While analyzing hair samples and questioning the parties involved, I noticed the correlation between low silver levels and sickness.
People who showed low silver levels in their hair analysis were frequently sick. They seemed to have innumerable colds, flu, fevers, and various other sickness. I believe that a silver deficiency may be the key to the improper function of the immune system.”
Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., of the famous Tahoma Clinic in Washington State, has stated in his article, “Stop Supergerms in Their Tracks with One Powerful Silver Bullet”:
“In 1909, the Journal of the American Medical Association was the first medical journal to point out that colloidal silver could actually increase our immune cells’ phagocytic index.
In the past few years, more studies have shown that silver ions greatly enhance the essential second part of the phagocytic index-the part where the germ is digested by our immune cells.
This is brought about because silver ions increase the “digesting juices” (what you know as hydrogen peroxide) of these immune cells.”
And as the famous Dr. Joel D. Wallach, BS, DVM, ND and Ma Lan, MD, MSb, and author of Rare Earths, Forbidden Cures has stated:
“Silver has been employed in human health care and in the search for immortality since the days of the Chinese alchemist 8,000 years ago.
Many feel that silver is in fact an essential element, not because it is required for an enzyme system, but rather as a systemic disinfectant and immune system support.”
And according to clinical researcher V. Edwards-Jones, writing in Letters in Applied Microbiology, in an article titled, “The benefits of silver in hygiene, personal care and healthcare”:
“Silver has been used for centuries as an antimicrobial agent to reduce bioburden and prevent infection…Increasing evidence of improved antimicrobial activity of nanoparticles of silver and possible dual immunomodulatory effects are exciting.”
And finally, as Dr. Ron Surowitz, head of the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association, has stated, many of his own skin patients have found dramatic relief by spraying colloidal silver onto infected areas of skin:
“…Some of my teenage patients with facial skin infections seem to do well with a spray on the skin and into the mouth once or twice daily. Sometimes higher amounts are needed. This certainly beats taking antibiotics for years and years to prevent these skin conditions…
…It’s interesting how many of my patients improve with the use of Colloidal Silver. It enhances the immune system where other antibiotics cause yeast overgrowth…”
So it’s relatively clear that colloidal silver helps boost immunity. And of course, a stronger immune system can be a dramatic aid in helping prevent acne outbreaks.
For more information on colloidal silver and immunity, see “Does Colloidal Silver Boost Immunity?“
Colloidal silver Reduces Acne by Relieving Inflammation
Inflammation of the skin in acne outbreaks is a given. Much of that inflammation is caused by the body’s natural response to attackers, whether they be bacterial, chemical or even foods your body doesn’t like.
In acne, once your pores become clogged with sebum and dead skin cells, an oxygen-deprived environment is created that turns out to be the perfect home for bacteria like Propionibacterium acnes and others we’ve discussed throughout this article.
They turn out to be anaerobic bacteria, which means they thrive best in oxygen-poor environments, such as inside clogged pores. And as they feast on your sebum and dead skin cells, two things happen: One, they multiply rapidly. And two, they excrete inflammatory waste products. This causes the severe inflammation, redness and swelling that characterizes a nasty acne outbreak.
Of course, colloidal silver is well known for its ability to kill the pathogens, which by itself can help relieve acne inflammation because fewer pathogens are available to reproduce inside of clogged pores and excrete inflammatory waste products.
But silver is also known for its ability to reduce inflammation independently, as well. And it does this by inhibiting excessive cytokine production.
Cytokines are one of the body’s signaling molecules produced by our cells. They basically communicate with other cells in the body. Among other things, cytokines warn our immune system of invading pathogens, which in turn then directs white blood cells towards the site of infection, flooding the area, which in turn produces inflammation.
But sometimes, particularly with persistent infections such as involved in acne, the cytokines signal excessive levels of white blood cells, causing excessive inflammation. But according to several recent studies, silver appears to bond with and modify the cytokine molecules in such a way as to inhibit the production of more cytokines, thus reducing the inflammatory response.
In other words, even while silver is killing the pathogens, it is also modulating the pro-inflammatory cytokine response so that less inflammation is produced. In the case of acne, this, of course, would result in clearer skin, faster.
Indeed, silver appears to be so effective at reducing cytokine expression, the authors of a December 2007 study published in the journal International Immunopharmacology recommended studying silver as a treatment against inflammation, saying:
“Kenneth Wong and others at the University of Hong Kong recently investigated the wound-healing properties of silver nanoparticles…
…the new research…indicates that silver…modifies cytokines – the enzymes involved in cell growth and movement – leading to reduced inflammation and an increased rate of healing…
…These experimental data suggest that nano-silver could be used to treat immunologic and inflammatory diseases.”
So colloidal silver can help reduce the horrific inflammation that accompanies moderate to severe acne is two distinct ways, i.e., one, by eliminating pathogens that are the root cause of the inflammation, and two, by reducing the body’s own inflammatory response to over-colonization of pathogens.
Colloidal Silver Reduces Acne by Helping Soothe and Heal the Skin
If you’re well-versed in the amazing healing benefits of colloidal silver, then this is probably old news to you. But for readers who might be new to the uses of colloidal silver, you’ll probably be surprised to know that silver actually stimulates cells in your body to regenerate and speed-up healing.
This astonishing fact was first discovered by Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., and revealed in his best-selling books, The Body Electric and Cross Currents.
The results were also published in numerous clinical research papers including:
This research ultimately led to the development of medical products such as silver sulfadiazine cream, which is used in hospital burn wards around the world to help prevent infections from setting in on the skin of burn victims and to stimulate the healing of the skin.
Skin Care First and Foremost
Nevertheless, it’s important to note that in order to fully understand the cause of acne you must realize it’s not caused by any single element, such as a bacterium. There’s no such thing as an “acne germ” plaguing humanity as it spreads its unsightly and destructive offspring around the world.
Instead, acne is caused by a host of changes on the skin that can result in the perfect environment for common skin bacteria such as Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermis and even Staphylococcus aureus to thrive and spread.
To resolve acne, you must learn to control the conditions that lead to the formation of pimples. You need to start thinking in terms of what you need to do in order to cultivate an environment that is conducive to healthy skin as opposed to an environment conducive to the growth of pathogens such as Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermis and Staphylococcus aureus.
There are four main things experts often say need to be done in order to help create an environment on the skin that is not conducive to acne outbreaks:
- Drink lots of fresh, pure water!
- Eliminate excessive sweets, refined carbohydrates and processed foods from your diet.
- Practice proper skin cleansing and moisturizing.
- If additional moisturizing is needed, use a “noncomedogenic” moisturizer.
So how can you add colloidal silver into a well-rounded acne prevention routine? Let’s take a look at five simple methods, straight from our readers…
How to Include Colloidal Silver in Your Acne Prevention Routine
Experienced users have reported using colloidal silver in 5 easy ways, often in combination, to great success. As you’ll see from the real-life accounts below, these methods for using colloidal silver to prevent and treat acne outbreaks are really quite simple.
There are no prescriptions involved. And there’s no great cost in time or money to rid yourself of this problem.
Based on the reports by others, you should be able to start seeing at least minor visible results within 48 hours. And depending upon the severity of your outbreaks, significant remission within a week.
You can judge whether or not you need to continue the colloidal silver treatment by the progress you’re making.
1) Prevent Acne Breakouts by Boosting the Immune System with Oral Colloidal Silver
In this testimonial on the Utopia Silver website, taking colloidal silver orally helped one young man clear up a severe case of long-term acne:
“My 17-year-old son has suffered with acne for 2 years. He has been on many costly prescription drugs for lengthy intervals. Nothing has helped.
The dermatologists suggested he go on accutane as a last resort. After reading the terrible side effects from accutane my son and I agreed it was not worth the risk.
I had heard very little about colloidal silver but somehow stumble upon your website. I read your info and figured it was worth a try since nothing else had worked and the side effects and cost were nil compared to accutane.
I am happy to report that after 1 month on your colloidal silver product (1 TSP. orally and 2X topically a day) my son’s skin is almost perfect. He doesn’t have any new breakouts and his skin is healing beautifully.
Not only that, but he escaped the flu that many of his friends have suffered from! Thank You so much!!”
And in my book, The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual, I recount the story of a young teen my wife and I personally knew, who very successfully used colloidal silver to beat a stubborn and persistent case of facial acne:
“A friend of ours had a teenage grandson who suffered with terrible facial acne. Nothing they tried would help. No over-the-counter medications worked. And the doctor’s prescription drugs didn’t work either.
We gave our friend a bottle of 10 ppm colloidal silver and she had her grandson put some into a small fine-mist pump spray bottle so he could spray it directly onto his acne outbreaks two or three times a day and allow it to air dry each time. She also had her grandson drink about one ounce of colloidal silver each day, orally.
It took him about three weeks to get rid of the vast majority of his acne. Then he stopped using the colloidal silver, finding that he only needed it on an occasional basis after that.
For example, if he saw an acne outbreak starting, he’d nip it in the bud by starting up his topical and internal colloidal silver regimen again for a few days until the outbreak would go away.
In this manner he changed virtually overnight from a young teen with what seemed to be interminable facial acne, including large angry red and purplish inflamed pimples that covered his face from his jawbone to his cheeks, to a very handsome and smooth-skinned young man.”
And as seen in this particular example, a combination of oral usage and spraying topically was helpful, which brings us to method #2:
2) Prevent and Clear Acne Breakouts with Colloidal Silver Spray
Several readers swear by using colloidal silver in a fine mist spray bottle on a daily basis to ensure ongoing clear skin as well as target problematic breakouts. Simply pour some of your freshly made colloidal silver into a small spray bottle, and mist the face after washing.
Not too long ago, William O. posted to the Colloidal Silver Secrets Community on Facebook, “Ionic silver is brilliant for acne. Couple of sprays every day and it’s gone in a couple of days.”
And as one reader from Oregon wrote:
“Our teenager had acne and sprayed colloidal silver on her forehead each day, and the acne cleared up. Colloidal silver is now a daily regimen for our family.”
Another reader wrote as follows:
“When I have adult acne breakouts, I will spray a light mist all over my face after washing. I do this daily after showering or washing my face, and within a couple of days, my face is much more clear.”
3) Using Colloidal Silver as an Acne-Fighting Facial Cleansing Toner
Here’s an example from the website of using colloidal silver as an acne-fighting facial toner:
“My best friend, at age 32 had severe adult acne and tried many creams with no real results.
I had her taking colloidal silver internally and the acne was little affected.
At my suggestion, she started cleaning her face twice daily with a cotton ball moistened with 5 PPM ionic colloidal silver and in just 2 days the results were vividly clear – an 80% improvement!
Upon stopping treatment (she though she got rid of it) the red blemishes reappeared.
Acne is apparently an external infection and thus internal consumption had little effect and continued external treatment is required, although now after 6 months she can be much more lax in cleansing her face.”
4) “Soak” Stubborn Acne Breakouts with Colloidal Silver Overnight
Here’s a completely different technique, and one that we’ve heard from many colloidal silver users works for very stubborn cases of acne.
A reader wrote:
“My girlfriend has noticed a huge improvement in healing her acne with colloidal silver. At some point soon we could provide ‘before and after’ photos to prove how amazing the results have been so far.
…we have found that using a soaked piece of gauze pad with colloidal silver on it held on the trouble spots overnight produces the best results vs. spraying it on several times daily.”
5) Acne-Fighting Natural, Homemade Colloidal Silver Face Mask
Here’s another great tip for facial health, this one from my friend Angela Kaelin…
Women are much more accustomed to using detoxifying masks and know the immediate positive results they can provide, including smoother, cleaner skin, fewer problems with facial blemishes, and more.
But, this simple colloidal silver mask is also recommended for men who may be having problems with acne and even ingrown hairs. It’s great for anyone who wants to gently exfoliate and detoxify their skin.
Here’s how to do it:
- Blend old-fashioned oatmeal to a fine powder in a blender.
- Put 1/4 cup of powdered oatmeal in a bowl.
- Add 2 to 3 tbsp. of colloidal silver and blend into a paste with a spoon.
When you have a thin paste, apply this mixture to your face and neck. Let it remain for 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash off.
Bonus Tips: For increased detoxification, you can add a tablespoon full of bentonite clay (available at health food stores) to the above recipe. This will help remove blackheads, pimples, etc., and pull toxins from your pores. You may have to add a little extra colloidal silver if you choose to add the clay. For moisturizing and skin-tightening benefits, add 1 tbsp. of honey to the above recipe.
Do this facial mask once a week for a month, and you’ll notice healthier, more clear skin in no time at all.
Even More Successful Results…
As you can see, different people have had different experiences using colloidal silver against acne, but so far, all positive.
Some of the best results I’ve personally witnessed, in which very stubborn and persistent acne outbreaks have been healed, are from people who have combined these methods.
A.A., a member of the Colloidal Silver Secrets Community on Facebook shares this colorful experience she had with healing acne on her husband’s back:
And another Community Member, B.C.J., shares:
Member R.D. had a similar experience using a colloidal silver face bar, enthusiastically stating:
And while searching the internet for even more information on this topic, I found this testimonial on the website:
“I have had adult-onset acne since my 20’s (face, neck, chest & back). I went through everything – antibiotics, ointments and gels, accutane (several times) – but nothing would make it stay away for good.
I became known as the “turtleneck queen” because I tried to hide my acned neck under turtlenecks (all year round – they do have short sleeves for summer).
BUT after spraying the colloidal silver on my face and body for about a month, I started to notice that the acne gradually was going away and wasn’t coming back!!! Wow, it was a miracle for me!
After using it for 2 years now, I just take it for granted. I can wear all kinds of tops now because I have no acne to hide anymore. My dermatologist noticed it as well. I told him what I had been doing with the colloidal silver and he was amazed… At least acne is one thing I no longer have to worry about.”
Here’s yet another personal account – this time from from – from a person exhorting her fellow acne sufferers to try colloidal silver:
“I have officially stopped all acne creams pills and everything. I did some research into colloidal silver liquid and found that it works like no other acne med to clear acne.
I went out and bought some and applied it all over my face this morning and again this evening and OMG you would not believe it, my spots have shrunk to almost nothing.
This stuff is seriously amazing!!!
Silver was used many years ago as a natural antimicrobial before antibiotics were created, and is said to heal many ailments.
I’m not entirely sure how it works but all I can say is please try it. I have tried everything and never experienced results like this in such a short space of time.”
And according to natural living author Sarah Rachel, on the Yahoo Voices Beauty page:
“Colloidal silver acne treatments are a simple way to clear up acne fast.
When colloidal sliver is combined with specific lifestyle changes it can dramatically improve acne…
…You can use colloidal silver topically twice per day after you have cleansed your skin.
Simply spray the silver all of your face and avoid touching your face. The silver works both internally and externally to rid your body of bacteria and viruses.”
Is Colloidal Silver Your New Powerful Ally in the Fight Against Acne?
As you can see, colloidal silver can be an acne sufferer’s best friend.
Silver not only kills the bacteria that are in large part responsible for the effects of acne, but it also helps boost immunity so the body itself is able to better able to naturally and holistically deal with acne outbreaks.
What’s more, colloidal silver helps reduce the underlying inflammation that’s so common to acne outbreaks. And it soothes and heals the skin with remarkable effectiveness.
Many acne sufferers claim that colloidal silver has worked for them when no other acne treatment would. And now you can understand why.
So whether you’re a teenager on a search-and-destroy mission trying to eliminate your persistent pimples or an adult looking for some relief from the scar-producing blemishes of adult-onset acne, colloidal silver is something you definitely need to have in your anti-acne arsenal.
Thanks to Steve Barwick for this fabulous information:
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