
CDS – Chlorine Dioxide Solution – The greatest discovery of medicine in 100 years

What is CDS (Chorine Dioxide)? The Scientific Facts, Dr. Andreas Kalcker

In this video, Dr. h.c.. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker simply and clearly, with facts and scientific data, what CDL-CDS is, how and why it works and much more, based on scientific studies and measurements – a really impressive video!

YTube has deleted numerous scientific and medical videos about chlorine dioxide (ClO2) to hide the positive effects for humans and animals, because the cheap CDS is a thorn in the eye of the pharmaceutical industry with its expensive chemical products, which often do not heal, but only treat the symptoms or even harm. Therefore, the aim of this channel is to publish the scientific and medical facts about CDS so that the positive effects can be made known to a wide public and Fake News can be avoided.

CDS is not MMS because CDS contains only the pure chlorine dioxide gas (ClO2) dissolved in water without other substances such as: Sodium chlorite (NaClO2), hydrochloric acid (HCl) or citric acid.

Important warning about Fake News: CDS is not bleach (sodium hypochlorite, NaClO) and not chlorine (Cl2), as is often falsely claimed in the media, but is composed of the two vital components namely the chloride ion (Cl-), which we also find in normal salt (Na+Cl-) and oxygen (O2). The positive anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral effects result mainly from oxidation processes, because oxygen (O2) is the most important active component of the chlorine dioxide (ClO2) molecule.
Therefore, CDS is gaining more and more importance in medicine and is used by thousands of doctors worldwide to cure patients with acute and chronic diseases, as traditional medicine often cannot help sufficiently.

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