8/19/22, 3:35 AM The Truth About DMSO And Cancer
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The Truth About DMSO And Cancer
Read time: 4 minutes
DMSO has long been a favorite therapy of alternative cancer doctors because it calms
inflammation, gobbles up free radicals, and boosts the effect of cancer-killing therapies such
as high-dose vitamin C and laetrile.
In fact, one of Mexico’s top cancer doctors, Gilberto Alvarez, M.D., used only those three
therapies — DMSO, laetrile, and vitamin C — to cure the inoperable, terminal cancer of a
two-year-old toddler from Pittsburgh, Jeremy Snyder, nearly 40 years ago. Jeremy not only
survived, but grew up, graduated from college, and is now married.
Let’s take a closer look at DMSO and how it can help you.
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) is a natural liquid found in trees.
Omega Precision Oncology, Institute of Integrative BioOncology, located at the Houston
Medical Center in Houston, Texas, recently published a report on DMSO saying, “As a
treatment for cancer, DMSO (returns) rapidly growing cells back to their regular form. It also
stimulates the tumor-suppressing protein called HLJ1, which reduces the growth of the
adjacent cancer tumor cells. To put it simply, Dimethyl Sulfoxide arrests the development of
“Records show that DMSO is also an effective medication for inflammation, pain, and brain-
swelling due to injury. Significantly, it effectively reduces swelling by removing water from
cells – reducing water leakage from blood vessels in tumors. What’s more, further studies
confirmed that no sudden worsening of symptoms occurred.”
Archie Scott, an expert on DMSO, is convinced that every cancer patient should be on
DMSO, period — even patients who choose conventional treatment.
Alternative cancer doctor, Dr. Constantine Kotsanis, is also a fan. Dr. Kotsanis and his wife
Beverly are the Founders of the Kotsanis Institute of Functional Medicine in Grapevine,
Texas, where they and their dedicated staff treat a variety of chronic and degenerative
conditions, including cancer.
He uses chemotherapy in low doses – about ten percent of a full dose– with the addition of
DMSO, which he says “facilitates the entry of the chemotherapy agents into the cell. It
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makes them more permeable, if you will.”
DMSO has also been shown to reduce the side effects of conventional cancer treatment. A
Russian study found that 25 cancer patients who took DMSO before chemotherapy and
radiation avoided nausea and internal burns, in contrast to a control group of 25 others who
didn’t take DMSO before chemotherapy and radiation.
Detoxifies the body
Dr. Isai Castillo, owner and physician at the CIPAG Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, who has
treated patients with cancer and other difficult to treat illnesses since 1984, regularly uses
Chelation Therapy
“For example,” explains Dr. Castillo, “If I see a patient who has had lots of chemotherapy, it
means the patient is very toxic. So, for that patient one of the treatments I have to use is
chelation therapy, which helps to detoxify the blood and improve blood circulation. If patients
have lots of inflammation and pain or swelling, then one of the chelation treatments should
be DMSO, which is a very strong anti-inflammatory and natural substance.”
Near-miraculous reversal of brain damage
Mr. Scott once spoke at a Cancer Control Society Convention and explained how DMSO is
being used as the principal therapy to reverse the brain damage suffered by retired
professional football players after scores of minor brain traumas suffered in practice and
during games. One retired football player said after his first DMSO treatment, “This is the
best I’ve felt in years.”
Another anecdote featured a lady in Eugene, Oregon, who had been in a coma for three
months when her husband started giving her DMSO. She snapped out of the coma, left the
convalescent hospital, and went home.
Three years later, Mr. Scott visited her and found that she was back to doing her normal
household duties. She still had a slight speech impediment, but she had a sharper memory
than her husband, who’d never had a stroke.
Mr. Scott said that anyone who suffers brain trauma or a stroke, should get DMSO as soon
as possible to soothe and repair the damage right away.
How do you take DMSO?
Alternative cancer doctors give it intravenously, but you can put a half teaspoon of DMSO in
a glass of water and drink it. You can also apply DMSO on the skin, but Mr. Scott said that
“90 percent is the highest concentration you should use for topical use.”
Regarding topical use, Frank Cousineau, the president of the Cancer Control Society, gave
this caution, “Don’t put on polyester clothing after applying DMSO to your skin” because the
fabric can be ruined. He also added that if a loved one is unable to take DMSO by mouth, it
can be poured over the loved one’s head.
DMSO can also be made from petroleum. Experts recommend using DMSO from wood only,
because DMSO from petroleum can cause nausea.
There’s one problem with DMSO: the smell. DMSO makes people smell like garlic. There’s
no way of getting around that, but chlorophyll can reduce the smell. Parsley may also help.
Most importantly, a temporary smell is only a small disadvantage for something that can help
save your life.
If you’d like to learn more about DMSO and the treatment of cancer, check out one of Archie
Scott’s books or videos such as DMSO: The Latest Update On A Proven Therapy.
Best regards,
Lee Euler,
Lee Euler
Hi I’m Lee Euler, I’ve spent over a decade investigating every possible way a person can
beat cancer. In fact, our commitment to defeating cancer has made us the world’s #1
publisher of information about Alternative Cancer Treatments — with over 20 books and 700
newsletters on the subject. If you haven’t heard about all your cancer options, or if you want
to make sure you don’t miss even one answer to this terrible disease, then join our
newsletter. When you do, I’ll keep you informed each week about the hundreds of alternative
cancer treatments that people are using to cure cancer all over the world.
DMSO is available at this site – here is the link :
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