Here is the amazing simple, inexpensive and effective information from Barbara – it’s well worth keeping this handy
Here are our home-grown notes from this video which may be helpful:
Draws – odours out of the air – bad smell in fridge
Cooked onion is used for:
1. Ear-ache
Steam or dry bake it (not boil so you don’t lose healing properties into the water) Leave skin and ends on. When it’s soft, cut in half crossways so you have rings. Squeeze some of the juice and put into the ear for relief. Wrap the onion in a cloth – towel or tea towel – wrap a few times as it will be hot – test on your arm then place on the ear and cover with plastic to keep warmth in. Bandage or put on a beanie on to keep it there as long as it is warm. If it gets cold the ear will ache. If the pain comes up again – repeat until no more ache. Perhaps even for a few days – whatever it takes. If it brings relief that’s a great sign.
Same procedure
Raw onion – chop up and put on the feet for a head cold or a chest cold.
Get a plastic bag – put onion in the bag and then the foot is put on the onion, in the plastic bag.
You could wrap the foot with cling wrap and then twist the bag and secure it.
Put a sock on to hold it firm.It works fast. Leave on overnight. Throw away in the morning.
Cough syrup
Empty jar – layer of onion on the bottom, then a spoonful of honey (runny or solid) on top of the onion;
layer alternately until the jar is full.
You can add garlic or ginger if you like. End with a layer of honey. Leave the onion in for 24 hours and then strain the onion out and keep the syrup in the fridge.
Dosage – for eg. 2 year old ½ tsp 3 x day; older child or adult 1 tsp 3 x day.
Castor Oil Compress 15.00 mins
Castor Oil penetrates deeper than any other oil, breaks up lumps, bumps, adhesions, even a bone spur (may take a while if it’s been there for a long time) – just keep at it. As a compress it is not drawing anything out of you. The compress is a vehicle to hold the oil so it can penetrate. Every day you could apply the compress, fold it over and next day open up, add a little more oil and apply again.
You can use it for tumours, cysts, even breast cancer.
Uterine fibroid – lady first used the recommended yam cream product to reduce the oestrogen and applied the castor oil compresses to her abdomen. Can sleep with them on. Need a plastic backing as it could soil clothes.
Place a small circle of the castor oil on compress – in the middle. It will slowly spread on the compress. You could put this on a bone spur, a sore wrist, joints, sore knees, congested chest (little bigger one) with a hot water bottle on top. On abdomen for constipation – will break up congestion there. Gallstones, revive liver (under right rib), kidneys (kidney stones).
Not adfised to take orally.
‘Flu Remedy
This can be used for bronchitis, asthma, flu, pleurisy, pneumonia, sinus, head cold.
Garlic – crushed (to your taste)
Ginger – finely grated (about ¼ tsp)
Eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil – 1 drop
Cayenne pepper – ¼ tsp, little shake, whatever you can handle
Lemon – juice of a lemon or half a lemon if they are pricey
Honey – 1 tsp
Mix in about 1/3 cup of hot water.
Take one of these 3 x daily. Usually by the third day one is healed.
is a draw-er, but is also very gentle.
For tissue inflammation. Use where you would not use onion or garlic.
In the tender parts of the body e.g. eyes. It is very calming and soothing for inflamed eyes, conjunctivitis, sprained ankle. Good for inflamed red areas – draws out and reduces inflammation.
Poultices – mess-free. Wrap up Gladwrap a few times so it is larger than the poultice. Then put the cloth for the poultice on top of the plastic. Now grate the potato, straight onto the cloth. (disposable dish cloth would do). Not for breast cancer but fine for sprained or swollen ankle. Careful not to use too much potato so the poultice doesn’t get soggy and leak. Fold over the poultice, two sides, two sides so you have a square with the plastic just overlapping edges of the cloth. Plastic goes on the outside. Bandage it into place – keep on for a few hours or all night.
Potato for tissue inflammation. Sprained ankle, ingrown toenail, splinters (might need to repeat a few times – removed a big splinter in fie days) and the splinter will come out by itself.
Example of a three year-old standing on a rusty nail – in about ½ inch. Bathed the little boy to clean him and calm him down. Potato compress, bandaged, sock on and shoe on. No more pain. That night a fresh grated potato poultice. Repeated for three nights. After third night on top of the poultice were shavings of metal a bluish colour so the potato had handled the pain, healed the foot and pulled out the now cleaned-up rusty fragments!
for joint inflammation. Grate, even frozen ginger. Use the juice, e.g. for gout, arthritic finger or joint.
Sore lower back – usually indicates inflammation. Same poultice procedure. Apply about 6pm. Best in the evening as the skin can get a little irritated/hot.
Vegetable matter poultices – discard
Castor oil compress can be used again and again.
Cayenne Pepper
will thin the blood, rebuild heart muscle, strengthen the arterial walls.
Cayenne pepper is a blood stimulant and anything that stimulates blood stimulates healing. It has been said that any other herb you add cayenne pepper to will increase its effectiveness. You can use it internally. For a sore throat. It will tingle at first but once that abates the throat will be greatly relieved. It it not burning, but is rather stimulating.
Use externally to bring blood to an area. If someone has no feeling in their feet or has peripheral neuropathy or continual cold feet. Perfect health requires perfect circulation. Perfect circulation means your feet and hands are warm.
If someone has cold feet (don’t use hot water) do this:
Olive Oil and Cayenne Pepper compress
Clingwrap and double layer of kitchen paper. Sprinkle with olive oil (you could use Castor Oil if you like). You want sufficient olive oil that the cayenne pepper will stick to it. Not too much to avoid leaking.
Sprinkle cayenne pepper over the olive oil (about ½ tsp to one foot). The foot goes straight on that and it will never burn. Gladwrap over and then a sock on. For someone with poor circulation it might take a few days’ treatment (they will start just feeling pins and needles).
It’s a gentle treatment and good way of increasing blood supply to the extremities. You can make them beforehand and pack them up, e.g. if travelling. Usually best if applied overnight.
Put on thyroid for an underactive thyroid. Any area where there is no feeling.
can absorb up to 150 times its own weight in poisons. Is unique in that it not only absorbs poisons, but also neutralises poisons. It can be used internally for poisoning, diarrhoea (e.g. when travelling and with suspect food).
Use topically for bee stings, wasp stings, spider and even snake bites.
When you mix charcoal with water, it’s like mixing soil with water. To avoid mess, mix it with PSILLIUM or GROUND FLAX. Use equal amounts (e.g. 2tsp / 2 tsp). This can be used on sore eyes and the stings mentioned above.
Mix in a ziplock bag for less mess – pour a little water in. Seal the bag and then mix manually. As it mixes you can spread it out and it will begin to become jelly-like. You can flatten this out with a rolling pin or just press with hands so it fills the bag nicely. That will set. Remove excess air from the bag. Now you can keep this in the fridge or freezer. If someone has a sting, just cut a square, peel off the plastic and slap it on the sting so charcoal goes straight onto the skin. Tape that on.
Castor Oil
Not for taking internally – just topical application.
Castor Oil penetrates deeper than any other oil.
It breaks up lumps, bumps, congesion and adhesions.
Castor Oil can even break up a bone spur; can break up tumours e.g. lumps in the breast.
Those lumps may be cysts, even breast cancer. e.g. use panty liners and slip one into your bra. It may take months but there have been successes in this regard.
Take a folded up tea towel – pour on castor oil – over the mi9ddle hird of the area. Let it soak in “ about half an hour
It will heal nay problems in the abdomen – will penetrate and break up fibroids in the uterus, also cysts on the ovaries.
It will soften the colon if constipation exists. Once inside the body it will penetrate ino and heal the colon e.g. for bad diarrhoea.
Also irritible bowel – casor oil goes in very deep. It causes a cleansing and healing in the area.
To break up gallstones – place on the liver area, under the right rib.
Place at he back o break up kidney stones.
Bone spurs, e.g. on knee – may take around 6 weeks or longer to break hat up. It won’t break up a bone.
Brain tumours – it will penetrate very deep, break up lumps, bumps, adhesions.
You can e.g. for a sore knee, use castor oil, ginger or potao. Alternate hem and see how he body responds.
Compress can be used over and over e.g. for uterus can be worn overnight or for 5 hours a day a least for 5 days a week. It will penetrate and penetrate and start breaking up any unnatural growths in the area.
Breasts – you can do it for 24/7 in the bra. Just add a little more castor oil each day.
The thicker the compress, the more oil it can hold and the more oil is available to get to the area.
If you get something in your eye, put a drop of casor oil in the eye. That will roll around and even take it out.
For glaucoma or cateracts, 1 drop in each eye before bed. May prevent an operation.
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