
Amish Black Drawing Balm


Amish balm is a natural remedy, used since the oldest of times, by the Amish community.

Natural Solutions has re-formulated this ointment to include powerful drawing herbs and it has become quite popular, being used not only to pull out toxins but also any foreign objects stuck into the skin.

For anything that appears, such as a strange sore, or a bite; apply this ointment immediately. It works! 


The treatment of minor skin issues; It has proven out to be effective in aiding the skin to heal faster and return to its healthy status. This includes burns and rashes as well as wounds that will not heal. 

It has successfully been used combined with Natural Solutions’ Cardio Heart Health capsules; Natural Solutions’ Arteries capsules and Natural Solutions’ Cayenne capsules to heal leg ulcers.   (A slide video record of this is available).

In the Amish community, it is known as “Hilla schemer” or the “healing smear,” being used for the removal of toxins and also of foreign objects, such as wooden or metal splinters, from the skin.

It is one of the ways to remove skin tags and boils, as it draws the pus to the surface and stimulates healing of the skin.  It is recommended for the removal of thorns and glass shards, as well as for the treatment of cystic acne and insect/spider bites.  If you have had a nasty encounter with poison ivy or oak, you can use this healing salve with confidence.   Ingrown toenails have also been treated with this natural remedy.

To help eliminate acne, one can apply this healing balm as a face mask or anywhere the acne is, leaving it on for 15 mins –  then using a face cloth with warm water to gently remove.   A natural face wash may then be used to remove any residue.  After this apply a natural face serum as the pores will be open and receptive.


Castor Oil – anti-inflammatory, skin moisturising, reduces acne and has the ability to enter below the skin surface to break down problems.

Coconut Oil – anti-inflammatory, skin moisturising, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, stimulates the faster healing of the skin.

Activated Charcoal – pulls out toxins and foreign bodies from the level of the skin, reduces stinging sensations in case of poison, purifies.

Bentonite Clay – similar to the activated charcoal, helps to ensure a non-greasy consistency of the ointment.

Calendula Olive Oil – Anti-inflammatory, skin moisturising, antibacterial, stimulates healing.

Raw Honey – helps clean skin problems, and allows faster healing of the skin.

Beeswax – helps naturally bind the ingredients together whilst providing essential ingredients that help heal skin issues.

Red Clover, Chaparral, Plantain, Poke Root, Chickweed – these herbs are excellent skin conditioning, blood purifying herbs helping to draw out poisons and toxins from below the skin level.

Frankincense and Lavender Essential Oils both heal skin issues and allow for faster healing.

Testimonials for this balm

“I use this once a month as a face mask, and my skin is glowing and clear now.  I used to have breakouts and rashes on my face.  Highly recommended.”  Jenna

“I have had a leg ulcer which no one has been able to help me heal.  I have been using this ointment along with Natural Solutions Arteries, Natural Solutions Cayenne and Natural Solutions Cardio Heart Health and three months later my leg ulcer has healed.  Not only this but my veins are also much less visible on my legs.”  Yvonne

“I used Natural Solutions Amish Ointment on my husband’s neck, which has had a nasty wound there for a while.  No one was able to help him with this.  This ointment draws out poisons and after a few days of using it the problem from very deep surfaced, a terrible smell was apparent, but the wound has gone now from the pus and plasma to healing and closing up nicely”.


Doctors are using this for areas that have been treated medically, but the wound has not healed over.  It works excellent for this. 

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